What issues do you think are most important
The only issues I have at the moment are my exams, and how much they suck.

It may sound shallow, but that's what's occupying my thoughts at the moment, and those stupid essays keep me away from my thesis, and my thesis keeps me away from what I really would like to be doing: fiction writing.

And to keep this thread from getting in to arguments, I'll ask people not to make responses, or at least not make argumentative arguments about other people's views.

Not gonna happen. ^_^ When people have radical opinions or flat out disagree with some things, people will argue. Thing is, intelligent posters know how to disagree without name-calling. :)

The US economy is awaiting the toilet flush but no one in the current administration (that I know of) is willing to put in the time and effort to make major structural changes, especially to Social Security. The War Hawks still clamor for blood and oil and are getting both by the bucketfull--the Average Joe money problems will just have to wait.
UPDATE: Spamblaster.

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What issues do you think are most important - by Count Duckula - 12-09-2004, 03:41 AM

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