Diablo III Ideas
AngryMob,Oct 27 2004, 01:56 PM Wrote:Ive heard rumors of a third installment in the Diablo series, not sure if they are true, nor do I really care...but anyways, if YOU could design ideas for a new diablo, what would you do? :blink:  Think outside the box here, try thinking beyond diablo2, its characters, levels, monsters, items, etc...something totally new.  Ill post my ideas after this thread gets rolling.  Go nuts!


I like all the ideas but i don't really know how far out of the box we have really thought.

I like the simple attributes that are now a one of the main charecteristics of the diablo series so it is almost a neccesity to keep them along with the mana and lif globes. the birds eye view is also one of Diablo's key elements that should stay as is, some more recent games have tried to develope the angle change, I personally prefer the top view.

Moving on to new ideas the...

I would like to see a charecter spell book similiar to the original Diablo but make it an item that a charecter will hold some of the stronger books can only be used with a high amount of magic. This would enable all charecters to use certain spells but limit the level and bonouses that a stronger book may offer.

example a fighter could have a spell book but only up to level 2 spells so they could cast it but they are only limited to that spell level. Where as a mage could use a higher spell book that could go up to level 20 or beyond with mods like reduced cost and increased fire damage.

I liek the idea of skill trees but this needs some refinement to make it above diablo II. I would prefer to see the skill taught to each charecter rather than picking a class and being stuck with the three skill trees. Make the charecters a normal human with out a special class yet. As they move through the game the quests they complete, will give them the abilities and skills they would want. So if you can imagine the first part of the game might have the charecters either enter a wrestling match or a bow and arrow competition or even a magic contest. Depending on what the charecter choose would determine in which direction the charecter is developed.

Some will argue that is the same as choosing what class so we need to add a little more. make what they choose a bonous, say the choose a bow and arrow copetition so the charecter will use a bow more than a sword, right. As they use the weapon more there is a counter that increases and when it gets to a certain level they can learn a new skill, which would be taught by a npc throughout the game. The bonous though would allow the charecter to increase these skill faster than others. so if their bow skills would increase faster than their sword skills.

I like the idea to have skill for certain weapons and things like that this would allow a charecter to become a little more well rounded. A fighter could be proficient in ranged combat but when the enemys got close they could switch to a melee weapon and still be proficient. There would have to be some kind of cap like if a charecter gained magic skills that might allow casting with out a book or increases spell damage, would give a penelty to having melee skills, that is they would increase slower.

a few things that would need to be added to the over all game play would have to be MORE players per game in multiplayer. 8 is not enough I would like to see like 32 different charecters all running around. Some may think that is too many but in the world was increased and the towns were bigger like an actual city then it might e worth while. This would allow more than just a few players in the game and you could have separate teams in one game without the complaints that arise now.

Another thing that would be interesting instead of having just weapons that are found have materials that a charecter can use to make weapons and armor. Of course there should be unique items and rares and stuff but make a charecter search for the pieces and the but it together. This would allow some versitility and have the search for items always be there. use gems and ruse to give what ever the item you make the mods. Some one above mentioned ENGRAVING i like that idea there instead of making it socketed it could have a spell engraved kinda like 5% chance cast fire ball or some thing.

There should be soem kinda of charecter visual editor liek if you add lots of points to str and vit your charecter will get bigger and bigger. Where points in dex would make them a little skinny, maybe lots of magic would make a charecter glow or something. I do like the idea of have large and small charecters but with out the different races, this is the humans fight against the demons.

Keep acts and Way Points that was a good idea for progressing through the game.

For a story line i would rather see a prelude to diablo where Horizon was alive or maybe way before that. Something that would lead up to Diablo I. there was all that history in Diablo II i wonder if it couldn't be used in developing the third installment. If not. Make time pass and all is quite cain dies :( and people forget untill there is a sudden event that opens a portal and allows the demons to roam where they rebuild the sanctuary and summon their long sleeping masters. this time though Diablo himself leads the army.

Ohh yea i would like to see more hirelings, not only four types but liek twenty or so. and allow the player s to have more than one this way the battles could be like a war type rather than a toe to toe battle. that might be a little to much if 32 players were in a game each with 5 hirelings 160 things fighting ouch the lag, Hmm

There are my ideas

Messages In This Thread
Diablo III Ideas - by AngryMob - 10-27-2004, 07:56 PM
Diablo III Ideas - by Guest - 10-27-2004, 08:21 PM
Diablo III Ideas - by Minionman - 10-27-2004, 09:35 PM
Diablo III Ideas - by AngryMob - 10-28-2004, 02:59 AM
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Diablo III Ideas - by Guest - 10-28-2004, 02:34 PM
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Diablo III Ideas - by Minionman - 10-30-2004, 03:14 PM
Diablo III Ideas - by Guest - 10-30-2004, 05:53 PM
Diablo III Ideas - by Guest - 10-30-2004, 05:54 PM
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Diablo III Ideas - by Guest - 10-31-2004, 08:31 PM
Diablo III Ideas - by Guest - 10-31-2004, 08:34 PM
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Diablo III Ideas - by Taem - 11-01-2004, 08:09 AM
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