Holy crap! I just watched the worst *** ever
Zarathustra,Dec 2 2004, 07:28 PM Wrote:I'm a relative bittorrent newbie.  How would I go about searching for it?

It's quite simple really.

First step, download MakeTorrent 2. With this you can create the .torrent file necessary to distribute your file. It's pretty simple, once you run the porgram simply select the file you want to "torretify", choose http://walkiry.no-ip.org:6969/announce as your "Tracker" server and click on "Create Torrent".

Second step, go to http://walkiry.no-ip.org:6969 , register as user and upload the .torrent file.

Third step, download the actual BitTorrent client and use it to open the .torrent file. Then BitTorrent asks you where you want to save the download, select the folder/directory where the original file you wanted to distribute is and presto! It'll check everything's in order and is ready to let people download from you directly.

Now anyone can go to http://walkiry.no-ip.org:6969 and download the .torrent file. Share the love! ;) Anyone who downloads it and leaves their BT client running will be sharing bandwidth.

BT is very useful, I use it for example to distribute the fan-made videos I did for City of Heroes, and a couple of times we've torrentified demos of games here at the Lounge (Lineage II and Knight Online come to mind).

Messages In This Thread
Holy crap! I just watched the worst *** ever - by Walkiry - 12-03-2004, 08:31 PM

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