Old School
Hey peeps.

Just wanted to drop by and say hello to those who may remember me. (ahem, June, clas, and the rest of the 3W crowd.). Here's a little of what I've been up to. For the past two years, I've gotten into Everquest exclusively. I know, I know, it's a massive timesink, but, it's offered everything in a game I want - First person, MMORPG setting, real time, diverse population. In fact, as it happens, the server I chose to play on is a European one - so much the better, since my fellow americans are often the most racist and irritating to me online. The whole culture of raiding for several hours every day was strange to get used to, but, I find I really enjoy it (particularly since I lead many for my guild), and it sort of becomes a RTS situation, except you're dealing with an army that talks back :unsure: . Pretty fun.

Anyway, I think the EQ1 bubble has finally really burst, with the release of EQ2 and WoW. Despite the fact that these games don't seem to have the same kind of content, and the requirement for a large force. Obviously that is the appeal to many, who didn't know what they were getting into with EQ1. In fact, it reminds me of the massive orchestras of the late 1800s, that became so rare thereafter, and have been replaced by smaller ensembles.

This evolution in gaming is inevitable, in my opinion. I'm just wondering if either of the new games will step up their content to support the voracious raiders of days gone by, or, be replaced by games centered solely on the small group or soloist.

It seems that WoW is the new focus of this forum, and despite the fact that WoW has stolen 1/3 of my guild, I wish you all well :P .

(my everquest sig stuff)
<a href="http://www.pravda-of-norrath.com/">Midwinter</a>
<br >
<a href="http://www.magelo.com/eq_view_profile.html?num=787165">Tangerine Twist</a>

Messages In This Thread
Old School - by DroppaMaPantz - 12-01-2004, 12:33 AM
Old School - by Scrape - 12-01-2004, 07:50 PM
Old School - by Flaming June - 12-05-2004, 05:20 PM

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