The Great Masquerade (Stormwind Raid Event)
[Image: windsor16.jpg]

Onyxia's Elite Guards flew in every direction. What's more, they aggroed normal Stormwind Guards who, in a funny twist, joined the fray on behalf of the party! I sent out the call:

Neriad: AoE fear and stun for the win.

Without needing to discuss it, Jesica and I set up a Psychic Scream rotation. Between the two priests and our warlock fearing and dotting everything, the paladins and rogues stunning anything that resisted the fears, and the druids sleeping everything else, the Onyxia's Elite Guards stood no chance.

[Image: windsor17.jpg]

The Psychic Scream rotation also gave us another benefit -- it gave us a chance to breathe. The fight until that point had been very panicked, and damage had been spread out over several different Onyxia's Elite Guards as people tried to just contribute anything to the battle. Once we got a chance to breathe, we were able to coordinate and focus our fire on one target at a time. One Onyxia's Elite Guard after another fell.

[Image: windsor18.jpg]

The king himself was no help at all.

[Image: windsor19.jpg]

And in a few moments, it was all over. Onyxia had teleported away, her guards were dead, and Highlord Bolvar Fordragon was no longer under Onyxia's control.

Highlord Bolvar Fordragon says: Reginald... I... I am sorry.
Reginald Windsor says: Bol... Bolvar... Seek... S... Lothar...
Reginald Windsor dies.

[Image: windsor20.jpg]

Highlord Bolvar Fordragon, now free of Onyxia's influence, tells adventurers to seek out Onyxia and destroy her. But to gain access to her lair, one must take a fragment of the Dragon's Eye medallion to a member of a different dragonflight who might be willing to help. It is the only way to obtain a key that would allow one access to Onyxia's lair.

That is, it's the only way other than getting one from the goblin named Elogit (note: Tigole spelled backwards) who stands in front of Onyxia's Lair handing them out for free. Ahhh... nothing like playing a beta.

Messages In This Thread
The Great Masquerade (Stormwind Raid Event) - by MongoJerry - 11-15-2004, 01:07 AM
The Great Masquerade (Stormwind Raid Event) - by DoubleNeg - 11-15-2004, 04:37 PM
The Great Masquerade (Stormwind Raid Event) - by tekgraf - 12-27-2004, 08:23 AM
The Great Masquerade (Stormwind Raid Event) - by Keovar - 08-12-2005, 05:42 PM

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