11-05-2004, 05:24 AM
Quote:OK... but that's not the case, so I don't know what you're saying. The upcoming patch is supposed to have talents for all classes and that'll leave 3 weeks for testing.
What planet are you living on? The game COMES OUT on the 23rd! Today is the 5th! That's 18 days between now and release - TWO and a HALF weeks! And the Open Beta (and thus the next patch) is not even due out until the 8th or 9th, which means that leaves them with, at MOST, 15 full days of testing. That's just over two weeks. You're plotting a whole week which they don't have.
I hope you're right that this game isn't as bad as Bolty seems to think. Frankly, I'm still reeling from his comments. My view of the game is exceptionally limited right now, especially since I'm a level 12 Paladin (no Talents) on a non-PvP server. But I can tell you this - Pallys are gimped. Without talents we can barely manage mobs one-on-one, and I do mean barely. Hopefully talents will change this. And, hopefully more tweaks are in the works for us. :P
Two and a half weeks to go, and Bolty's spouting off about all these problems? My confidence in this game is suddenly very shaken. But, then again, this is CLASSIC Blizzard behavior... Let's just hope they can pick up the pieces.
Roland *The Gunslinger*