So, where are(were) those WMDs?
Pete,Nov 4 2004, 01:29 PM Wrote:Hi,

Has four years of Bush and sound bites made us all stupid?????  Are we all operating at the two neuron level of the media clowns???

The issue was WEAPONS OF ****MASS**** DESTRUCTION, not a few tons of conventional effing explosives.  Missing or not.

Now, I understand the glamor guys and gals in the media 'of the idiots, by the idiots, and for the idiots' being unable to distinguish between the two.  And I understand, given Sturgeon's Law, how the bulk of the population of the USA and world might be fooled.  But I thought the LL was a bastion of intelligence and rationality.  Am I wrong?


How does one truly envision a "scorched" Earth?

We live in a world where it is entirely possible for mankind to eradicate most, if not all, life on this planet. I think most people can formulate some idea in their head of how bad it would be if countries and/or other groups starting launching nukes. So, when the President of your country states that this guy over there is getting these nasty weapons , it's reasonable to conclude, I think, that most people would agree it prudent to stop him from ever getting those weapons.

Assuming I understand what you are saying correctly, Iraq posessing or having the intent to produce WMD was reason enough to invade. Correct?

If so, I agree in that our focus in this "War against Terror...blah...blah...blah" should be on containing the spread of WMD including our own production. Of course, that is the one thing we failed to accomplish with the invasion of Iraq.

North Korea supposedly now has a couple of nukes. Iran is on their way to obtaining nukes. India and Pakistan... well who knows there. I consider nuclear weapons (and other WMD) to be the gravest threat humanity has faced.

This whole talk about "conventional" WMD is nothing but a charade to me.


Messages In This Thread
So, where are(were) those WMDs? - by Ashock - 10-29-2004, 02:53 AM
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