10-29-2004, 05:49 AM
"Oh, and isn't this a major enough story to be followed up on by the so-called major networks?"
Might they not want some kind of confirmation beyond "someone who has a vested interest in them having been shipped out by the Russians has learned from a "reliable source" that they were shipped out by the Russians"?
I'm not saying it didn't happen, although I strongly suspect that to be the case. Corroborating evidence is always helpful before one goes trumpeting something from the minarets.
Oh, and I love the ad for "stolen honour" in the middle of the story. Very classy and unbiased-like.
Might they not want some kind of confirmation beyond "someone who has a vested interest in them having been shipped out by the Russians has learned from a "reliable source" that they were shipped out by the Russians"?
I'm not saying it didn't happen, although I strongly suspect that to be the case. Corroborating evidence is always helpful before one goes trumpeting something from the minarets.
Oh, and I love the ad for "stolen honour" in the middle of the story. Very classy and unbiased-like.