Wow, I can't believe the Lounge is still around...
You folks are incredible...

Sheesh, now I feel all warm and fuzzy and even MORE sentimental :P
And remembering just how incredibly GREAT this community has always been (especially compared to many others on the web...)

Thanks all for the kind words... wow, I don't know what to say.

Count Duckula
*blushes* Didn't know I'm a web celebrity :blink:

And, yes, I have been playing NWN - a lot. Still do, in fact, though I've never been 100% happy with it (lousy AI, no party control). But the incredible amount (and often, quality) of user made mods keeps it alive for me. I've never become involved in the community even remotely as much as in the good old Diablo days, though I *did* write a rather lengthy editorial (rant?) for the NWVault once...

I remember the day :D
Was flabberghasted that it still can be found in the SSTSI section.

Have readded the Lounge to my bookmarks B)
As to the "whatever happened to":
Finished the Ph.D. thesis, got a job at a startup biotech company, worked 60+ hours a week for the first year. Worked more in the second year, when things started to go downhill, got involved in union and employee's rights affairs when the management started to really botch things up. Got fired after bankrupcy and the remains of the company got sold to some vultures... And suddenly have TIME at my disposal again. Also gotten into politics lately, in an attempt to stop the neoliberal revolution from completely screwing the country :D

Yes, the irony wasn't lost on me :P

Well, the upcoming games I REALLY have my eyes on are, of course, Dragon Age and NWN2. Also KOTOR2. Still unsure if I'll give WoW a try, last MMoRPG I tried was a disaster (SW: Galaxies)

After 6 months of frustration (biotech industry really went down the drain in Germany in 2003) it looks better atm. Have 3 very real possibilities, though each one will require to move to the other end of the country (which is right next door in American scales I guess :) )

Again, thanks all for the welcome!

With magic, you can turn a frog into a prince...
With science, you can turn a frog into a Ph.D. ...
and still keep the frog you started with.

Messages In This Thread
Wow, I can't believe the Lounge is still around... - by Armin - 09-28-2004, 09:35 AM
Wow, I can't believe the Lounge is still around... - by felisandria - 10-22-2004, 04:19 AM

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