04-04-2003, 03:03 AM
Hail Archon Wing,
In DI, it was EVERY SINGLE TIME I hit an exploding barrel with a low-level Sorcerer. Boom, splat, $#@! ;)
In DII? Well, I have an all-Vitality Elemental Druid with decent resistances one-hit-killed by that Super Unique four-armed guy in the Palace Dungeons (Act II). Forget his name...Fire Eye? Something like that! At any rate, I was one-hit-killed by the blighter, about 30 seconds after I stated that my Druid was invincible :P Never did see his stats, as I came back and BLASTED him to pieces in my fury, but I saw the familiar aura of Holy Shock before my Druid died.
In DI, it was EVERY SINGLE TIME I hit an exploding barrel with a low-level Sorcerer. Boom, splat, $#@! ;)
In DII? Well, I have an all-Vitality Elemental Druid with decent resistances one-hit-killed by that Super Unique four-armed guy in the Palace Dungeons (Act II). Forget his name...Fire Eye? Something like that! At any rate, I was one-hit-killed by the blighter, about 30 seconds after I stated that my Druid was invincible :P Never did see his stats, as I came back and BLASTED him to pieces in my fury, but I saw the familiar aura of Holy Shock before my Druid died.
May the wind pick up your heels and your sword strike true.