09-06-2004, 09:11 AM
Quote:Sorry, I disagree. Some of us are taxed enough, I think my income taxes+FICA are now at 45% of my income. But, 40% of Americans pay no income tax, and in fact if you factor in the earned income tax credit, and the newer child tax credit, 1/5 of Americans get more money back on their tax return than they paid in. The top 1/5 of income earners in the US pay 82% of all income taxes.
Yes but salary is also based upon the fact that people pay taxes. Did you think if all of a sudden nobody would have to pay taxes anymore your salary would stay the same?.
Please explain me the "40 % of americans don't pay income taxes" because I always hear different things about who pays what. What is the reason they don't pay for example?.
The 1/5 that pay 82 % doesn't really scare me. I'm mean those are not the people that have to beg for money on the street. And as I said before, that 1/5 is also the part that benefits the most from a good economy. I think netto they will always be the best of.