04-01-2003, 10:54 PM
While I would love to have some authentic swords from a few periods and a few places, I cannot see buying even decent replicas. And spending that kind of money for something that has no real historical value? Well, I just can't see it. If I want "swords" on my walls, I'll put the various sabers, epees, and foils I've competed with over the years. At least they're "real" and definitely functional.
While I would love to have some authentic swords from a few periods and a few places, I cannot see buying even decent replicas. And spending that kind of money for something that has no real historical value? Well, I just can't see it. If I want "swords" on my walls, I'll put the various sabers, epees, and foils I've competed with over the years. At least they're "real" and definitely functional.
How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?