Diablo II "LoD" CLASSIC STYLE MOD for v1.10
Nobbie, couple of comments on the latest version of the mod:

I welcome the tweaks in the elemental immunities (reducing them to resistances) because it makes spellcaster play less tedious/frustrating and allows for greater flexibility in terms of skill selection. Bravo!

- Reduced the "Mana Drain" value for the monster-classes "Wraith" and "Wisp"

Thanks, one of my worst memories of the 1.10 patch (original, not your mod) was having my sorceress cheesed to death in Throne of Destruction by those damn Black Souls. Huge dmg and no chance of teleporting because of the insane mana leech they had.

- Removed the "Iron Maiden" curse casting ability from the "Oblivion Knight" monster-class

Thanks....I think :). I agree that having your melee character cheesed to death was frustrating, having a merc whose AI would not recognise that attacking while IM-ed is a Bad Thing ™ was frustrating, but somehow the IM cheese has become part of the chaos sanctuary for me. It's the one really unpredictable thing that made a Diablo run with a lvl 90 barbarian a rather edgy experience. I'm torn...on the one hand I acknowledge the cheese factor while on the other I'm actually going to miss it.....OK's are one of the monsters I was really wary of :)

- The superunique monster "Lord De Seis" is now the only "Oblivion Knight" who can still cast this "cheesy" curse wink.gif

Any chance you could replace his original "thief" ability? Now that was cool :)

I'm also not sure about the exp boost you've included with this patch. Perhaps the fact that characters can take on the Diablo Clone and possibly acquire Annihilus is bonus enough. I find that the characters I have started in your patch have easily reached level 90 by playing through all difficulty levels and doing a few Diablo and Baal runs with friends. In other words the exp was just fine. Admittedly I was playing in players 4 or 8, but this boost potentially makes it too easy for players to stay in players 1 and get tons of exp...perhaps something to think about?

Thanks again for your work, my friends and I are still loving SP thanks to this mod! Any chance of those new runewords sometime?


Messages In This Thread
RE: Diablo II "LoD" CLASSIC STYLE MOD for v1.10 - by davidj8580 - 08-21-2014, 08:02 PM
Diablo II "LoD" CLASSIC STYLE MOD for v1.10 - by HoBoS - 04-25-2004, 06:17 PM
Diablo II "LoD" CLASSIC STYLE MOD for v1.10 - by Chaos Itself - 05-18-2004, 11:49 PM
Diablo II "LoD" CLASSIC STYLE MOD for v1.10 - by ForeStorm - 07-19-2004, 07:53 PM
Diablo II "LoD" CLASSIC STYLE MOD for v1.10 - by CasmirRadon - 07-28-2004, 12:31 AM
Diablo II "LoD" CLASSIC STYLE MOD for v1.10 - by nightwing - 08-17-2004, 10:38 AM
Diablo II "LoD" CLASSIC STYLE MOD for v1.10 - by Starstasis - 02-18-2005, 08:55 AM
Diablo II "LoD" CLASSIC STYLE MOD for v1.10 - by Loki076 - 02-26-2005, 06:11 PM
Diablo II "LoD" CLASSIC STYLE MOD for v1.10 - by Lolepops - 06-27-2007, 02:21 PM

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