WOW and Item/Account Sales in Online Auctions
Expect WoW to allow cash-for-virtual without ever really saying so. At the opposite end of the scale, EQ is a customer relations nightmare, and this is one of the big issues. People feel that if they work for 400 hours to raise a character to the highest levels, they earn what those characters find.

From what I’ve seen in the past, there are two tiers of MMORPG cash sellers out there. The casual group sells an occasional item here and there, perhaps to justify the cost and time investment of the game to themselves. They in no way make a living at it. I’ve done this before, when I’ve found rare items I had no other use for.

The second group plays the game with the strict focus of turning it into a profit venture. They tend to not be very fun to play with, as you can imagine.

Slow link, but interesting article:

The way that eBay transactions work: Payment is made prior to any shipping/receiving taking place; this is standard eBay policy. So be sure to check the seller’s feedback and make sure you have no compulsions sending the person money. Once payment is received, you are e-mailed instructions by the seller (meeting, account names, times, etc.).

I know that most buyers are either power gamers, who want the best items ASAP even if they don’t find them themselves, or relatively wealthy people who want to “experience the whole game” but don’t have much time to play. Odd, I know. But they’re out there in droves.

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WOW and Item/Account Sales in Online Auctions - by Cryptic - 08-09-2004, 03:31 PM

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