Is anyone NOT going to play a Hunter next patch?
I will not be playing a Hunter, simply because I don't want to be "just another" Hunter out there. This was the first patch where I DIDN'T play a warrior, and I'm thinking about going back to it. And moreso, I was thinking about picking back up with SaxyMoo (Tauran Warrior), and keep going with him.

I'm too casual a player to start a character over if I have to. It just doesn't make sense to me. Besides, it would allow me to test tanking for a younger character, and to see what it does for them - being how quickly or slowly they will build up thier Defense skill. Makes me wonder about several things with regards to that - in taking a level 18 char, and tanking doing the whole power levelling for a new character, are you really helping them or hurting them? In Diablo II, you were helping them hands down, as long as you were partied.

Now granted, taking out bosses and other things would be easier than they would be if you had someone that was your same level, but the things behind the scenes that we normally take for granted (swords, axe, defense, shield, etc.) that could be affected. And how that would affect the character as they level up.


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Is anyone NOT going to play a Hunter next patch? - by Saxywoo - 08-09-2004, 09:17 AM

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