Is anyone NOT going to play a Hunter next patch?
Quote:Pet Happiness/Feeding
Your pet has a happiness rating. This is shown via an icon in the top left corner of the screen. As you continue to use your pet, it becomes less and less happy. However, if you feed your pet with food (raw/cooked), it increases their happiness. Happiness will determine damage output, so your pet will get weaker when he's unhappy. If you neglect your pet too much, it will abandon you and may even attack you!
I've got to say, this sounds more annoying than fun. It's just additional micro-management that you'd have to take care of. I mean, it's not like we have to make our characters do mundane tasks unless there's some added benefit. This whole happiness idea is just going to mean that Hunters will have to carry more food around and stop every once in a while to make their pet "happy."

Unless they do something to make this more interesting (like giving different types of pets favorite foods that give other bonuses), I foresee this just being really annoying for the class.

Messages In This Thread
Is anyone NOT going to play a Hunter next patch? - by TheDragoon - 08-08-2004, 03:25 PM

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