Artega,Jul 6 2004, 08:58 AM Wrote:I fail to see how games can be truly frightening. Perhaps good for the sort of "HOLY SH*T!!!" quick-scares, but nothing that lasts a long time.System Shock 2. Play SS2. Do it.
Maybe I just can't get that immersed.
Fear the spoiler.
Not only are we talking numerous "HOLY SH*T!!!" moments, but we are talking nerve-jangling suspense building, frightful plot twists, and monkeys. Now, monkeys are not scary to anyone (Save, naturally, for viewers of the first few minutes of 28 Days Later, rhesusophobics, and SS2 players), and you may actually find it odd that during the first level of the main game you hear monkey noises.
Then you're sprung by a cryo monkey. Fast, unexpectadly, and unsettling as hell. From then on you're jumping at any sound of monkeys. You back off, afraid, sweaty, nervous. You may be listening to a crew member's log while running around the Van Braun, only to come to a bone-shuddering stop as you think you hear a monkey; but you can't tell, for the pre-recorded message of the now-dead crewer is droning on as if nothing matters. You know where the "stop message" key is, you know you could press it, but you don't want to because then you will get confirmation that, yes, we do have monkeys in the area and that is something you really didn't want to know.
Then the log ends. Monkeys.
And, like all good horror, you eventually become more and more desensitised to monkey noises. In fairness, you've had bigger problems to deal with - Grenade Hybrids, Cyborg Midwives, Annelid Pods - Stuff that makes your life hell. Then you hear another monkey noise, no problem, just take the initial cryo shock, then whack the little simian. But it's a pyro monkey, it hurts you, and suddenly you are afraid once again. You hate monkeys, and wish that you never hear another one again.
But there are some fabulous set pieces that don't result in physical pain, but rather mental anguish. The first time you see your first crew-member suicide, the first "ghost", the Many's hallucination. Hell, even Xerxes, the ship's computer, who is under control by the heartless Many, finds the time to remind the crew that there are only so many shopping days until Christmas and encourages the crew to work overtime so they can afford nice gifts. Surreal and, it must be said, a little creepy.
Really, you only have to say the words "Polito's Office" to some folk and they break out in a cold sweat. It's that kind of game.
In fairness, the game does fall apart after you leave the Van Braun, seems they ran out of steam at that point, reverts to pretty straightforward blast-everything-that-squirms stuff. Not entirely brilliant.
But, right through the Van Braun, you'll suffer many a minor heart palpatation. And I don't want to hear another damn monkey ever again.
Fear the spoiler no more.
- NiteFox, confirmed spheksophobe