The (semi-) official Thief 3 rave thread!
You can only haul 5 flasks of Holy Water at a time (at Normal Difficulty, that is). 5 of most bomb-type devices.

To be fair, the zombies do fit into the motif. I've only played up to the early part of the Cradle, but I did get through the Abominable Gale and did make a foray into Fort Ironwood, and the zombies there weren't quite out of place.

Making my way through Robert Moira's mansion was loads of fun. It's the home of a closet pirate, after all. Being there with the widow was hauntingly creepy. Out of sympathy, I left the 500 gp of coin sitting there in the chest for the widow, even though that wasn't being very thief-like.

Zombie-bashing at Normal wasn't all that of a fright. Fire Arrows will do the trick, of course, but for economy's sake I resorted to plinking them with a broadhead arrow, then flash-bombing them to hurt and blind them, then another arrow (which snaps them out of the blinded condition) and followed up with another flashbomb to drop the creep for the final count. Sure, the end cost is more than just blasting them with a Fire Arrow, but broadheads are lain everywhere for you to snag up, and flash bombs are cheap.

Statue-bashing, on the other hand, demanded art: lay down a mine, then draw a Fire Arrow just as ol' Rocky is about to tread on the mine. He takes the first blast, and before he can react, let loose with the Fire Arrow and scatter him to the winds.

I have yet to make any use of Moss Arrows. Anything they can silence, I can creep over. I could use them to choke up an opponent, but a flash bomb does the same job (and has a larger area of effect and doesn't need to be drawn upon a bow and aimed). Only thing I can reasonably make use of Moss is to plant them into the Pagan cornerstones in order to improve my relationship with them...

...problem is, I've yet to actually find one such cornerstone. Nor and Elemental Cocoon. So, I'm still Hostile with the Pagans, while I'm all chummy with the Hammers (since Rust Mites and the Undead areeasy to find).

Only time I've made actual use of an Oil Flask is on the dockside. Bystanders and City Watch guards running perilously close to the water's edge have a great chance of slipping up and ending in the drink.

Has anyone else deliberately had themselves taken down by City Watch, just so you can get a chance to break out of Pavelock? Who'd have thought a prison escape could be so mind-numbingly easy?
Political Correctness is the idea that you can foster tolerance in a diverse world through the intolerance of anything that strays from a clinical standard.

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The (semi-) official Thief 3 rave thread! - by Rhydderch Hael - 07-06-2004, 05:41 AM

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