Beautiful Ambrosia
One quick response to the comment about the kegs of lukewarm light beer - ummm.... never had to try or have urine. I'm not that much of a survivalist anyway... If I can't carry it, I didn't need it.

Good idea for a post though - how else can you get an overview of beers from around the world, without drinking a single drop? But you are going to have to eventually try them for yourself and make your own distinction. Hey - one man's "keg full of lukewarm light beers that resemble the taste of watered down urine" is another man's nectar of the gods.

Though I don't have a drop of the Irish in me (which would explain the terrible luck I always got from monster drops), I love the Irish dark beers. Guinness - Resembles coffee, with a hint of tree bark. It's good and heavy, so you don't really want to drink a lot of it, and thus, you have just enough to have a nice warm feeling, and without drinking bottle/can after bottle/can. I prefer the canned persuasion of this though - with the little nitrogen capsule in it, since it makes it taste like it's from draft. Murphy's - Resembles coffee, but it's so smooth it's like drinking a milkshake. I love this stuff. It, like Guinness, will keep you feeling good, without emptying your wallet, and is always good with just about any pub food. Again, preferred in a can. But regardless, I prefer my beer to be cold, and frigidly so. If a beer gets too warm, I think that it ruins the whole experience. I like my food piping hot, and my beer frigidly cold - makes perfect sense to me...And don't ever come between me and my black and tan.

I've tried the whole Busch Light, Budweiser, Miller, and that family of cheap and crappy budget beers. One thing that I've noticed is that those beers would get me "feelin' good" really quick, but would churn my stomach.

Malt beers, like Rolling Rock, I personally think is the worst stuff on the planet. It's what got me to start drinking Guinness. What can I say, I had my choice of Guinness or Rolling Rock. One sip of the Rolling Rock and I was a Guinness fan after that. Now granted, that all happened about the time when I was having...oh... my third beer. Though, even after saying this, I did like one called "Devil's Mountain" which almost seemed like a cross between a malt beer and regular beer.

The more "flavored" beers, like Woodchuck, don't float my boat. I had a roommate once that loved Woodchuck. Just the smell made me think that there was something wrong with it. And the taste wasn't too much better.

Now there are all these other drinks, like Mike's Hard Lemonade and Bacardi Silver that I like. I think of those to be at a point where hard liquor meets beer. Good stuff here, though I don't care for Mike's Hard Cranberry Lemonade. Just pick a flavor that you like, and go to town...

However, you can make your own hard lemonade, which I thought was suprisingly good. Get some Countrytime Lemonade, mix it into a large glass, but make it strong - should look like it's about the color of anti-freeze. Then pour in vodka. The vodka will take out the really sour bite of the super-concentrated lemonade.

Now, the more "normal" beers, in my eyes, are things like Grolsch, Heiniken, St. Paulie Girl, and the like. I like them all. Especially since Heiniken and St. Paulie Girl both have a dark persuasion, as well as the regular kind that is so popular. I think that these are good, but they can be hard to find the right "fit" if you will, depending on your own preferences for the personality of a beer.

You have these other beers that come out with a dozen varieties, and those I just don't get... Primarily Samuel Adams. Hey, if you're ever in the Chicago area, and up in the Northwestern suburb of Long Grove, there's a restraunt there that considers Sam Adams to be an import.... that's right boys and girls.... imported all the way from that distant land known as Boston. What's the point in having so many versions of the beer? I personally think that when there are as many vairation on the beer, it keeps the beer from being good, because they don't improve it, at all.

But anyway, that's my take....Drink up, but do so responsibly.


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Beautiful Ambrosia - by Munkay - 06-28-2004, 12:14 AM
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Beautiful Ambrosia - by Saxywoo - 07-01-2004, 10:50 AM
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