Looking for expert advice on a necro.
Thanks for all the great advice. I'm just at level 10 now, but it has been a really smooth ride. I think I put a few too many points in skeleton mastery, because I know that will also help my mages (these don't seem to be as popular, but I want a huge army). I also put a point in amplify damage, clay golem, and dim vision. Stat distrubution wise I have been adding one to strength, two to vitality, and two to energy every level up. That might be too much energy, but I like being able to resurrect my army whenever I hit a snag without having to rely on potions. It also lets me use curses carefreely.

I have had a couple problems. At first the uniques were wasting my troops, but now they die quickly. However, lighting enchanted ones tend to kill off my whole army with the possible exception of the golem. I have to quickly raise more skeletons to take those enemies down. Is there anything I can do before I am high enough for summon resist? Also, how can I counter iron maiden when that is cast on my guys?

Messages In This Thread
Looking for expert advice on a necro. - by Arem - 06-07-2004, 08:37 AM
Looking for expert advice on a necro. - by Arem - 06-08-2004, 02:16 AM
Looking for expert advice on a necro. - by Guest - 06-09-2004, 12:53 AM

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