Looking for expert advice on a necro.
Hi. I'm new here. I played diablo 2 a lot a long time ago, before the expansion came out, but never really got too far. I tried all the characters, but got the furthest with my cold sorceress (which was only as far as chapter 3 nightmare). A couple days ago I decided to try to make it all the way through Hell, so I picked up the expansion.

I was thinking about starting a new Amazon, after playing around with the druid and assasin for a little bit, but then I heard that a necro with lots of minions was viable. This surprised me, since before my skeletons seemed to be useful until the beginning of Act2 at the very most. I checked GameFAQs, but all the guides seemed out of date, and the forum seemed only useful if I desire abuse from a bunch of jerks who all use Whirlwind Barbs, or whatever the equivalent is these days. After some searching I found this place. I am trying to build a necro with a huge skeleton army (I'm not sure what the official term is, zookeeper?) and I want to take it all the way through Hell.

Also, I should mention that I am only doing Single Player. Battlenet was always filled with morons when I played and even if I got a good group together my 56k connection always hurt the experience. That means that I won't have the ability to trade or bot for the uber wand of 1000+ to everything, so I can't use a build that relies on it. There's also really no point in raisng my strength to 80 so I can wear the super robe, since I will probably never see it. I also can't save all my points and use a character who only does well at level 30, because I won't have a party to get me there.

Which skills should I take and how many points should I invest? I'd prefer to just do it with curses, but should I also take a direct damage spell? What is a good stat point distribution? I'm especially curious as to how much strength and energy I will need. Also, am I just making things hard for myself by trying to take a character like this through Hell?

Thank you for reading this. I apologize for the length.

Messages In This Thread
Looking for expert advice on a necro. - by Arem - 06-07-2004, 08:37 AM
Looking for expert advice on a necro. - by Arem - 06-08-2004, 02:16 AM
Looking for expert advice on a necro. - by Guest - 06-09-2004, 12:53 AM

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