06-05-2004, 04:39 PM
Well, we have a lot of users, and aren't comfortable allowing everyone to upload images. It would be very difficult to ensure that people weren't abusing this and linking to their hosted images elsewhere.
DeeBye recently suggested Image Shack. Perhaps that would work for you?
Also, please keep in mind that users are generally more receptive to new members when they use complete sentences and capital letters. That might not be the case at other forums you've visited, so keep it in mind.
I'm going to move this to the suggestion box.
DeeBye recently suggested Image Shack. Perhaps that would work for you?
Also, please keep in mind that users are generally more receptive to new members when they use complete sentences and capital letters. That might not be the case at other forums you've visited, so keep it in mind.
I'm going to move this to the suggestion box.
Why can't we all just get along