Resistances *do* work in the current push
Since Bolty is on this kick about having us actually post information and stuff (the nerve!), I figure I'd report what Leme and I discovered about resistances. A lot of people in the beta say with great certainty that "resistances aren't implemented yet" and even Blizzard employees have said that "resistances will be implemented in the next push." However, Leme and I had suspected that there was some sort of resistance implementation in this push and while testing some other things, we discovered that resistances are indeed implemented in the current push... sort of.

The way resistances are implemented now is a straight damage subtraction. So, if I have +10 resistance to fire and I get hit with a 30 point flametongue, I will only take 20 points of fire damage. Similarly, if I get hit with a 400 point fireball, I'll only take 390 points of fire damage. One can quickly see how miniscule the benefit of resistances is versus high level mobs and players.

Also, for damage over time spells, Blizzard smartly made it so that the resistance damage subtraction occurs against the *total* damage of the dot spell. So, if I have +10 fire resistance and get hit with a dot spell that normally does 40 damage every 3 seconds for 30 seconds, I will end up instead taking 39 damage every 3 seconds (*not* 30 damage every 3 seconds). I think this implementation for dots is a good thing so that dot spells aren't penalized by resistance gear more severely than direct damage spells.

Obviously, the current effect of resistance gear is mostly negligible in this push, but I wanted to point out to Lurkers that it is actually there, even if it's small. We'll have to wait until the next push to find out what Blizzard really has in mind for resistances.

Messages In This Thread
Resistances *do* work in the current push - by MongoJerry - 06-04-2004, 02:34 AM

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