The (semi-) official Thief 3 rave thread!
Re, Angel:

Because Looking Glass Studios were not looking to make a medival world. They wanted to make a world of two warring factions, of order, and chaos. They wanted to make a world, full of things that most people dare not speak of. If you were expecting a "real" medival world in the Thief series, then I'm sorry, but the game was not set out to do that. The minions of the Trickster, and the children of Karras were in the game for more then just the sake of "Hey, allright guys, let's stick some whacky idea in". While unrealistic, the world is real in that it is consistent. And, besides, there's nothing as humorous as seeing two giant
spiders appear, after pressing the button titled "Do not push this button!".

As for the third installment in the series, I'm up to the Shalebridge Cradle. As Garret said "If there's a way to cram more misery into a building, I can't think of one." I took a slow look around, entered it, and began hearing things. Conversations. Screams. I still saw nothing. I decided to head upwards - I crept up the stairs, I heard metal hitting metal - I thought I knocked something over, but there was nothing there. As I got to the next floor, the conversations intensified. I started hearing someone running over metal - I couldn't tell where it was, it seemed to have come from every direction. I crept through to a nearby room, and still saw... Nothing. At this point, I just hit "load game". I'm through. I'm going to load up on as many holy water vials as I can carry before going *There* again. And I hear that that is the longest level in the game...

Now that I have a full loadout, I only need to do one thing before returning - wait for nightfall. :D :o

As for more impressions - I am saddened by the loss of speed, invisibility, and slowfall potions. The oil flasks aren't worth it. :( And if the editor won't be released, I will be steamed. :angry:

Oh, and the new sound system is simply stupid... For the magical bullet, just press crouch - bam! Instantly, you move completely silently.
"One day, o-n-e day..."

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The (semi-) official Thief 3 rave thread! - by SwissMercenary - 06-03-2004, 10:07 PM

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