The (semi-) official Thief 3 rave thread!
When I first started playing Thief 1, I was amazed at how fun it was sneaking around stealing stuff and installing arrows solidly in a soldiers' necks. It was very terrifying lurking in the shadows, just wondering if that guard had spotted me, or whether I was just another shade to him. The game was fun.

Then came Jurassic Park. Then came Resident Evil.

The implementation of dinosaurs (!) and zombies (!) in, what appears to be a first sight, a game set in medieval times caught me completely off guard, and I was appalled. The game was completely ruined. "Where the hell did this come from?" I asked myself. I uninstalled thief 1, and waited for the sequel to see if they'd learned from the first one. They hadn't. Zombies and dinos still ever present, not to mention gigantic spiders. After thief 2 I didn't dare expect anything when I heard a third game was being made; which came as a surprise to me, because I had learned Looking glass had been shattered.

I didn't play up until the zombies. I played up until Elizabeth and her goons try to prevent me from going to the markedplace. Then I spoke to a friend, who share my feelings on the subject. He had gotten much further ahead and had encountered; you guessed it: more zombies.

Yesteday I uninstalled the damn thing, and started up "Mafia" again.

I don't see why they persist in ruining a near-perfect game with this stuff. What's wrong with a regular medieval game where you kill people and steal stuff? If you add a storyline, some music and atmosphere; you've got a great game already. Why ruin it with monsters and mysticism?!


(P.S: I'm a big fan of Jurassic Park and Resident Evil; more so than what the thief-series would've been without the monsters, but I still think they should've kept the realistic aspect of the games, and not gone for the anachronistic and supernatural.
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The (semi-) official Thief 3 rave thread! - by [wcip]Angel - 06-03-2004, 02:10 PM

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