Hmmm...perhaps a quote from AoM would work in this situation...

"Godly is a qlvl 60 enchantment. Wirt is the only source for such enchantments. Whale, also qlvl 60, is compatible with Godly. While the two enchantments can co-exist on the same item, the game cannot generate such enchantments on Full Plate Mail because this item - which would have to be sold by Wirt as it cannot generate elsewhere - is above the maximum cash amount that Wirt can sell. Now, these enchantments are able to co-exist because of a simple rule: Qlvl of the lower affix cannot be lower than half the value of the higher affix. However, Qlvl 25+ enchantments - while some are lower than half of 60 - can combine with qlvl 60 affixes. For this reason, Ages (qlvl 25), Osmosis (qlvl 60), and Whale (qlvl 60) are all compatible - stable - enchantments when paired with Godly. This is why you might've seen GPOO, GPOA, and GPOW. They're all hacked, but they're all stable."

So, essentially Godly and Whale, while being stable enchantments, can only exsist at the same time on chain mail armor because that is the highest armor that will be below Wirt's item price cap.

How does it exsist in the game? Someone with an item editor program changed an item into a Godly/Whale full plate. Because it is two valid enchantments the item does not morph.

As for your third question...dont use scanners. There is no such thing as a legit Godly Full Plate of the Whale, but scanning is a complete waste of time, as the scanner can only read the data transfered to your computer, thus only detecting obvious things that any experienced player can detect from just talking to the player.

Hope this helped, if you've got any other questions ya know what to do :)
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Warlocks: "Then we will pewpew in the shade"

Messages In This Thread
GodlyPlate - by DragOoN69 - 05-29-2004, 06:52 AM
GodlyPlate - by Urza-DSF - 05-29-2004, 07:22 AM
GodlyPlate - by Thecla - 05-29-2004, 07:36 AM

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