05-13-2004, 08:34 PM
I'm having a recurring problem with D2 right now and it is this. Good solidly built characters just aren't fun to play. I know these characters are powerful with their maxxed skills and great equipment but the bottom line is that it gets very dull very fast killing hordes of monsters or other players with just one or two skills (at least for me anyway). To make matters worse, it's very hard to make a character that can use both melee and magic effectively (normal not so much but definately in nightmare and hell). There is a ton of strategy in creating a powerful character (how much time have we spent bickering what skills to max or who can create a more powerful bowazon) and the process of brainstorming and engineering a good character seems to be more fun then actually playing the final product. Has anyone ever created a diversified character capable of beating hell (with obtainable items) that actually needed strategy in the game play of the character and not just the creation of the character? (I understand that every character needs at least some strategy for gameplay but keep in mind there is a difference between repetitively casting as many fireballs as fast as you can while running around dodging enemies and reacting to different monsters with different types of attacks based on your different skills). I know the odds are against me on this one because Diablo 2 was created for specialized characters so maybe I'm just venting on a difference in gaming philosophy but any advice would be greatly appreciated!!