D & DII Chars relative magical abilities
Sorcerer - can totaly wreck anything that isn't triple immune, hell, he can beat the came covered in cursed items with his magic.

Necromancer - he can have a whole army going with his magic and posion necs
are can do a ton of damage.

Sorceress - good magic but can't run through monsters like the Sorcerer can.

Druid - elemental magic

Rouge - she can cast pretty well

Warrior- telekilling pretty awesome

Paladin- foh, hammer

Assasin- cool elemental effects, she can sort of telekill I guess, just not as cool when the monsters can get away after you hit them.

Zon - magic arrows...

Barb- nope

Messages In This Thread
D & DII Chars relative magical abilities - by aaa - 04-30-2004, 04:49 PM
D & DII Chars relative magical abilities - by aaa - 05-03-2004, 07:57 PM
D & DII Chars relative magical abilities - by Tim - 05-05-2004, 11:25 PM
D & DII Chars relative magical abilities - by aaa - 05-15-2004, 04:41 AM

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