If we were talking about taking a child to a political rally, or if a child were expossed to something other than an "optional" adult situation I would agree with you more. Somethings in the "adult" world can be enlightening and not harmful if parents take the time to teach. I think it is clear in the laws of our society by looking at any number of child endangerment and neglect cases that parents do not have exclusive rights to do whatever they might want to a child. Where the line is is still a bit grey and is mostly determined on a case by case basis.

I can see no good reason for introducing an adolescent to the type excessive violence in "Kill Bill", unless you are John Mohammed and are raising a Lee Malvo. As a father of two future "ninja assassin" boys, I can tell you that my wife and I are very, very careful what input goes into their brains. No matter what you try to do, whatever goes in will come out, and maybe not in the most socially responsible way.

My 3 1/2 year old just got into his first playground fist fight last week with an eight year old girl. He was being annoying to her as only a boy his age can be and so she pushed him, then he roared at her (like the lion he saw at the zoo) and she reacted by punching him. Then, all restraints were off him and he let her have it. Unfortunately this incident occured in one of those tunnel cave complexes that are so popular on playgrounds now, so while all the parents could here an altercation beginning, we were all powerless to squeeze into those spaces to intervene. Luckily, the parents of the girl were equally horrified by their childs behavior and so we all together were able to make this into a positive learning experience for both sides. 90% of the time it seems that when a child meltdown events occur, the other parent believes their child to be an angel and blameless.

Part of me understands my sons primitive need for justice, but as a parent I need to teach him restraint. He needs to learn how to socialize and interact as a member of our society, and that is my job. Where did he learn how to fist fight? From the neighbor boy who is 5 and taking Karate. The boy is very nice and they had a great time one day psuedo "sparring" and wrestling. It was harmless fun, but it was enough of a seed. So now my son is armed with playground terrorism skillz and without a 5 year old brain capable of the restraint and the discipline needed to not become the "bully". Work, work, work. Now I need to take him to the playground as often as I can to insure that he will not repeat (often) that incident from last week.

So while you might pine for the rights of that irresponsible parent to raise their child as they see fit, I hope you can see that through the eyes of this parent how wrong minded for society it really can be. So, when he is 6, or 7, or 8, will I take him to see some violent films? Not on your life. What is hard as a parent in our society is trying to limit what goes into those brains to the good stuff, and not junk food media. Columbine was as much the result of this kind of neglect and a twisted adolescent reality which "Kill Bill" would have fit in just as well with the "Hit Man" fantasy they eventually acted out. I'm not saying that all 14 years old or younger who are exposed will act out, just some. And, some is too many.
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

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