hey, havent played diablo in years

I play diablo quite alot mostly everyday on us.east normally but i venture into europe and us west.

Where do you play what realm. Skana plays alot in Us. East don't know if she has seen me. I hang out with Fetus and others in Diablo Legit. You are welcome there if you play in the realm or even you want to comefor a visit.

Good luck on chosing the right answer (INSTALL IT).

Diablo One Forever. Diablo Two is the Darkside


Messages In This Thread
hey, havent played diablo in years - by celbii - 04-18-2004, 08:26 PM
hey, havent played diablo in years - by Erised - 04-18-2004, 08:59 PM
hey, havent played diablo in years - by celbii - 04-18-2004, 10:30 PM
hey, havent played diablo in years - by Yogi_Baar - 04-19-2004, 06:28 AM

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