04-10-2004, 01:44 PM
Quote:The american anime DVD and ultimately TV industry exists... because of fansub piracy.
(Remember when you read this that I'm almost 54 years old and can remember the first time I ever watched television.)
One of the things that I think is so interesting today is how the entertainment business is changing (or trying desperately NOT to change) due to the internet and available consumer technology. Personally I think these changes are brilliant and I'm all for it, as it gives the consumer more control over their purchasing dollars.
Before music file sharing came along, I barely bought any cds at all, because I was so put off by their retail price vs their cost to produce. Now I don't have to pay $18.00 for a cd I might not even like. I sample it first to see if I want to own it. If I don't like it, it's off my HD in seconds. If I like some of it, I keep what I like and discard the drek. If I really like a lot of what I hear, I buy the cd. Simple.
I have more control and the recording industry is actually getting more of my money than it was in the last 20 years. Now I can be more selective in my spending. That rocks! That's an empowerment.
The internet is redefining the consumer and how s/he behaves. I think it's a good thing that forces existing establishments to rethink their structure. That's how we get growth.
I think of it as the triumph of the amateurs.