04-08-2004, 08:27 AM
Wehn it comes to activate or manipulate objects, I don't think there is a problem since it won't affect others what you do. You simply have to go and operate some objects in a set order (or in the machine case, three wheels could be turned in any order although I think there ws some bug related to it). That does not mean others will get the effects I see. It can be a strict "per player" basis.
The problem can be individual monsters though, especially if you have to kill them. I have not seen it so much yet though. But then, I have no idea how many people Blizzard plan for each world.
The problem can be individual monsters though, especially if you have to kill them. I have not seen it so much yet though. But then, I have no idea how many people Blizzard plan for each world.
There are three types of people in the world. Those who can count and those who can't.