Ongoing - Estimations of class function and power?
Sounds like the player set his pet to agressive mode. With defensive mode he won't run off after monsters like that, and with passive mode he will only do what you tell him (which can be labor-intensive).

But I did notice some strange behaivior with pets. Sometimes he would run away after a different monster after we just kill one, for no apparent reason. Meanwhile I might be trying to heal, and it's certainly unwelcome. Also, they seem to have some type of "memory". So if I die, and then resurrect myself near the spot and summon my pet, the pet will go after the monster that killed me right off the bat, without any command, which is often not something you want.

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Ongoing - Estimations of class function and power? - by lemekim - 04-07-2004, 05:35 AM

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