A MMORG Skeptic's POV (long)
Charge: It’s kind of a close combat ranged attack. Let’s you get into the fray quickly, before the monster sees you. But if you get too close, you can’t use it. This increases your chances of getting the first strike in, but you can also “surprise” the monster, and your first hit may have a better chance of being a critical hit than it would normally. I’ll leave it to the number crunchers to figure that one out. (You know who you are)

Hamstring: A nice little ability that will do, from what I’ve seen, the same amount of damage that the ability “Strike” will do, but it adds a slowing effect to the monster’s movement. This would be good if you’re tackling a harder monster, and may help you get away, should you need to run. But all in all, this also help you get more hits in, so you’re not just standing toe to toe with a monster and trading blows.

7) Game Crashes – compared to Bolty, I consider myself to be rather lucky in the fact that I have only had the game crash on me about 10 times, and all on my desktop system, which is running Windows XP (Retail). But from what I can tell, the game itself is rather stable on the machine that I’m running it on, which is an IBM T40 laptop with a Pentium M running at 1.5GHz. The OS is Windows 2000 (Pro). Knowing Bolty and the specs of his system, I’m beginning to wonder if his system’s speed could be contributing to the issue. I’m wondering if the slower machine might have just a little more stability than another, which is decked out. My laptop has had no crashes as of yet, but we will see how that goes as I get further along. After all, Bolty has been playing for 2 weeks longer than I have. I’m wondering if there is a game stability issue with Windows XP (Retial). What do you all think?

8) Conclusion – Would I buy the game when it comes out? I would actually love to. It’s a joy to play. My only problem with it, and this now bleeds into my real life, is can I justify to my wife the expense of playing the game. And in justifying the playing of the game, I would have to play the game quite a bit for me to consider it to be a worthwhile expenditure. And it’s the time requirements of that which play the major part of the decision to play the game. For $20/month, I feel that I would need to at least play the game for about 5 hours a month (figuring 2.5 movies would cost about $20, minus the second mortgage for concessions). But knowing me, and knowing how I love to get into Blizzard games, I would want to play it a lot more, and would then bring in the possibility of my wife and kids pulling the MSPoF (the old DSF Merciless Short Post of Flaming) out of the corner and using it on me.

9) Your Considerations – I guess what you would need to figure out first (after deciding if you can afford the $20/month to play the game) is how much game play in your mind, justifies the expense of playing said game? Then does that amount of time jive with everything else that is going on in your life (i.e. friends, family, spare time, other responsibilities)? Just from what I’ve seen of the game, if you have the system

That's all for now.... there will be more later, when I've been able to delve into the game more.....


Messages In This Thread
A MMORG Skeptic's POV (long) - by Saxywoo - 03-31-2004, 06:05 AM
A MMORG Skeptic's POV (long) - by Saxywoo - 03-31-2004, 06:06 AM
A MMORG Skeptic's POV (long) - by Saxywoo - 03-31-2004, 06:08 AM
A MMORG Skeptic's POV (long) - by BEEFMOTRTON - 03-31-2004, 07:27 AM
A MMORG Skeptic's POV (long) - by DeeBye - 03-31-2004, 07:50 AM
A MMORG Skeptic's POV (long) - by Jarulf - 03-31-2004, 03:10 PM
A MMORG Skeptic's POV (long) - by Saxywoo - 04-01-2004, 04:29 AM
A MMORG Skeptic's POV (long) - by Roland - 04-01-2004, 08:19 AM
A MMORG Skeptic's POV (long) - by Roland - 04-01-2004, 08:21 AM
A MMORG Skeptic's POV (long) - by DarkCrown - 04-01-2004, 06:45 PM
A MMORG Skeptic's POV (long) - by Syl_Aran - 04-01-2004, 10:50 PM

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