03-24-2004, 11:35 PM
I'd like to set a point here, since I think some people are getting the wrong impression: forum admins aren't what are needed. It's site admins, ala the people who run the content sections of the site (like the Diablo and Diablo II sections). This would entail:
1) news posts about game strategy, linking to strategy articles of high quality on other sites, forum posts worth reading, and anything that's just a solid strategy read
2) STSI management and posting
3) Content management and posting (hosted strategy guides, articles, etc - usually these come from forum posts that are so good they should be archived somewhere)
You'll find that if you're one of those read-the-game-forums-every-single-day types (like I used to be), this is in fact VERY EASY to do! All you do is put up small news blurbs pointing site readers to the best forum posts of the day. People email you STSIs, you decide what the good ones are, and put new ones up every few days. Finally, any really great strategy articles/guides that are posted in a forum and don't have an online home, you put up.
Oops, the secret's out on how I ran an interesting site all those years. :) My typical day would be:
1) Read the forum(s) for a bit
2) Pick some great threads
3) Link to them in the news section and give a short description.
This is about 85% of the job. The rest is STSIs and HTML'ing up articles. If you do #1 regularly, it's only a few minutes a day to do the rest. The hardest part is actually #1, believe it or not. The reason is that doing it for years and years and being dedicated to it is difficult - that's why it's so rarely done. I had my run...I'm looking for someone else to take up the cup. I just don't read gaming forums like I used to.
Remember that the main goal of the LL is to point out great reads to people who don't have the time to read everything. If someone can visit the LL for 15 minutes a day and be caught up on all the latest strategy news, discoveries, and juicy bits to make them a better gamer, then this site has done its job!
1) news posts about game strategy, linking to strategy articles of high quality on other sites, forum posts worth reading, and anything that's just a solid strategy read
2) STSI management and posting
3) Content management and posting (hosted strategy guides, articles, etc - usually these come from forum posts that are so good they should be archived somewhere)
You'll find that if you're one of those read-the-game-forums-every-single-day types (like I used to be), this is in fact VERY EASY to do! All you do is put up small news blurbs pointing site readers to the best forum posts of the day. People email you STSIs, you decide what the good ones are, and put new ones up every few days. Finally, any really great strategy articles/guides that are posted in a forum and don't have an online home, you put up.
Oops, the secret's out on how I ran an interesting site all those years. :) My typical day would be:
1) Read the forum(s) for a bit
2) Pick some great threads
3) Link to them in the news section and give a short description.
This is about 85% of the job. The rest is STSIs and HTML'ing up articles. If you do #1 regularly, it's only a few minutes a day to do the rest. The hardest part is actually #1, believe it or not. The reason is that doing it for years and years and being dedicated to it is difficult - that's why it's so rarely done. I had my run...I'm looking for someone else to take up the cup. I just don't read gaming forums like I used to.
Remember that the main goal of the LL is to point out great reads to people who don't have the time to read everything. If someone can visit the LL for 15 minutes a day and be caught up on all the latest strategy news, discoveries, and juicy bits to make them a better gamer, then this site has done its job!
Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.