Quote:4) Please post in real English. If English is not your first language (or even if it is *cough*), we do not mind spelling or grammatical errors...we do not mind typos from anyone either. However, we do not appreciate '|337 5|o33|<' or any unnecessary shortenings of English words - common abbreviations such as 'lvl' or 'dmg' are fine though. If you do not follow this rule, you will be flamed or ignored completely.
(on your "pls", "plsss", and multiple punctuation)
Quote:10) Please do not make your title in ALL CAPS, or even worse your entire message. This is the equivilent to shouting, and many of us have sensitive ears.

Now, for the actual post:

There is no "best" druid, except the one which you have the most fun playing. There is also no most powerful druid. Different druids are better against different enemies. Sorceresses will usually have teleport, so werewolves might have trouble catching them. However, with enough increased run/walk and if you are able to feral rage up, you might be able to either a) catch them or B) make them keep teleporting until they are way off the screen, taking away at some of their mana.

I reccomend against using the Laying of Hands. Their main highlight is the damage to demons, so it won't help you beat a sorceress at all. While although 50% fire resist and 20% attack speed it good, you can get a better rare (unless they get you to the next breakpoint, in which case it could be a tough decision between those and Bloodfists[life leech]). Sorceresses will tear you to pieces, as your resists are (using the highest stats possible from your equipment):
fire: 130%
lightning: 90%
Cold: 90%
Poison: 30%
Physical 50%
There is a 40% penalty in Nightmare, and 100% in hell. So unless you are planning on dueling in Normal, your resists will be terrible.

I also am not sure if it is a good idea to max out werewolf. The only benefits you get from it are more attack rating (most sorceresses have low defense), and attack speed (diminishing returns). I am not going to check up your attack speeds right now, but I would be willing to bet that you are wasting a few skill points that could be used in something else more useful, like spirit wolves (to absorb some thunderstorm bolts) and/or raven (to cause block-lock).

/edit: disabled smiles
//edit: fixed damage reduction % max part.

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HEEEEELP ! - by c0L0zus - 03-19-2004, 07:36 PM
HEEEEELP ! - by loked - 03-19-2004, 09:01 PM
HEEEEELP ! - by Obi2Kenobi - 03-19-2004, 11:26 PM
HEEEEELP ! - by adeyke - 03-20-2004, 12:02 AM
HEEEEELP ! - by Obi2Kenobi - 03-20-2004, 04:21 AM

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