Should WoW be a Lurker Game?
Hello Bolty!

I haven't posted here in a while, went back into lurk mode for some time. I have seen something in this topic though, that needs to be addressed when it comes to something as drastic as adding a game to the LL's list of "AWESOME AMAZING GAMES!" that Diablo and Diablo 2 have been on for some time now.

The most important aspect of Diablo 2 is most definitely the customizability of characters and the vast number of items that existed and could be used (pre-LoD anyway, after LoD the game began to die anyway, IMO) and it is absolutely critical that with the LL's forte having always been the analysis of the game in terms of statistics, formulas, strategy, and the "seeing how far you can push your limits" aspect of play-styles in terms of variant play due to the spill-over of the DSF and other variant forums.

My experience with MMORPG's (having not read ANYTHING about WoW or its system of play, but having read tons about various other MMORPG's and played EverQuest for some time) is quite simply that not only are numbers near-impossible to find unless released by the development team due to penalties for death and other such restrictions, but that the vast majority of gamers even in communities similar to the LL are not willing to put forth the effort and the time in order to find the numbers.

In terms of strategy EverQuest also had the tendency to maintain an extremely cut and dried DULL form of strategy that was repeated OVER and OVER and OVER at the top end of gameplay, which is where the vast majority of the interesting and fun gameplay is. Without a doubt, if this remains true in WoW the LurkerLounge would barely be able to keep itself afloat.

The principle of things being repeated OVER and OVER and OVER at the top end of gameplay is seen again in equipment. Without the random generator aspect of drops that exists in Diablo 2 MMORPG's grow boring in terms of equipment. There is no "treasure hunting" aspect to the game that made D2 interesting for many, in an attempt to find good equipment to put on that character. It merely takes a lot of time, and a lot of effort to push through and get the equipment that is necessary or desired.

The lack of strategy, character-building, and formulas would eliminate the parts of the LL strategy forums that most of us (I feel) are the most important and critical to the LurkerLounge's survival to this day. Without the dedicated members constantly adding to the pool of information about Diablo and Diablo 2 I'm not entirely sure the community would still exist to the point it does now. The statistics and ideas that were brought out in those strategy forums brought players like myself in, and the community aspect, the high level of discussion and respect for one another is what kept me even after I stopped playing the game some time ago (at least a good 2 years since I've played consistently).

Whatever the LL's decision, I will still be here when its all over. I don't post or even look at any of the strategy forums anymore - just the General Forum because of the fantastic level of discussion that is there. I would however like to avoid the LoD-beta type hype that existed here back then. I don't want to go back to those times, when I first joined the forums, because I remember what it was like. Even though I found the place then, I realize how much better and more peaceful this place is when it is just the regulars posting with a few new guys here and there. The addition of WoW will likely spike traffic in the site, and it is a concern that the quality of post that makes the LL such a fantastic place is indirectly proportional to the amount of traffic the site sees. That, along with what I feel is a lack of content for Lurker's to enjoy in their typical Lurkerish forms is the reason why I don't think that WoW should be the next game for the LL. It is still in alpha however, for the next day or two anyway, and I don't know anything about WoW so I guess I'm not in a real good place to make the decision knowing little to nothing about what WoW's systems are going to be, but I think I know a good bit more about MMORPG's than most of those here do.

In either case, I hope that I've helped your decision as to whether or not to keep this forum when that time comes around...


edit: who says I have to be coherent?!

Messages In This Thread
Should WoW be a Lurker Game? - by Bolty - 03-17-2004, 11:28 PM
Should WoW be a Lurker Game? - by Bido - 03-17-2004, 11:48 PM
Should WoW be a Lurker Game? - by Guest - 03-18-2004, 03:22 AM
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Should WoW be a Lurker Game? - by Guest - 03-18-2004, 01:15 PM
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Should WoW be a Lurker Game? - by Quark - 03-18-2004, 06:31 PM
Should WoW be a Lurker Game? - by Bolty - 03-18-2004, 11:09 PM
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Should WoW be a Lurker Game? - by Cybit - 03-18-2004, 11:50 PM
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Should WoW be a Lurker Game? - by Bolty - 03-24-2004, 11:35 PM
Should WoW be a Lurker Game? - by Sabra - 03-26-2004, 04:31 AM

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