Stave spell level?
Is the damage or effect of a spell cast by a staff different from that cast by hand and if so how? What spell level is a stave at if I have not yet learned its' spell? Is the same true of scrolls? Are there any wrinkles or exceptions in this? Why is the number of charges in the staves I encounter seeming to diminish as the "brute strength" (durability+damage) of the staves increases? The # of charges does start to raise again and not just tank so that the staves of early spells become simply glorified whacking sticks right?

Please consider I am very new to the game, having just purchased this classic slightly after Christmas this year; and having only played a rogue conservatively to a level 14 on dungeon level 5(normal) and a warrior to level 8 on 3(normal). So please try to word out the more "in depth" shorthand and forgive the naivete. *hehe* Hope you guys are nostalgic for helping out newbies. I'm also new to forums, having mostly engaged in live chat but have looked at a few of the posts and am thus attempting to adapt and not annoy. So please attempt to be understanding in that too.

This is my first run-through of the game so I am fumbling in the dark. I ask the questions about the staves because with my rogue I enjoy killing monsters at a distance with magic as well as bow and it seems somewhat comforting having a weapon that can beat down things blocking your retreat after your charges have been spent rather than seeing a damaged or near destroyed bow warning and having to pull up a window to grab another weapon or offensive spell in order to make my escape. (Oh and for some reason my fingers would rather slam off the keyboard than engage the correct function key in a panic situation) Any strategic advice that would help me with either of my characters regarding staves or magic or magic as opposed to bows would also be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance. Feel free to answer in whole or in part and then get back to it, I know I asked kind of a lot, sorry. Thanks again.

Messages In This Thread
Stave spell level? - by NiteWing - 03-13-2004, 07:15 AM
Stave spell level? - by Nystul - 03-13-2004, 09:40 AM
Stave spell level? - by Zyr - 03-13-2004, 03:08 PM
Stave spell level? - by Moldran - 03-14-2004, 02:07 AM
Stave spell level? - by NiteWing - 03-30-2004, 10:39 AM

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