Where can I find a reliable D2 editor?
Like the topic says, I want to find a D2 editor so I can try out builds in single player before having to invest time and effort in creating them on Bnet...but everytime I try and find one, I get spammed by tons and tons of ads, cheat sites, hack sites, and basically everything except said editor. Surely there must be a simple, easy to use one out there? I have no intention of cheating or hacking the game in any way, I just want to do some test play. Oh yeah, and it has to be for 1.10 - because that's the current version. ^_^

Messages In This Thread
Where can I find a reliable D2 editor? - by Cyath - 03-13-2004, 01:58 AM
Where can I find a reliable D2 editor? - by Wyrm - 03-13-2004, 03:11 AM
Where can I find a reliable D2 editor? - by Ruri - 03-13-2004, 08:58 PM
Where can I find a reliable D2 editor? - by Wyrm - 03-17-2004, 06:15 AM
Where can I find a reliable D2 editor? - by Todd - 03-17-2004, 10:41 PM

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