Summoning necro on hell?
1. Simpliest way is summon golem of choice, find alone act1 monster in Blood Moor and make your merc kill it. If you have access to Pindle
Garden or Bloody Foothills - just go there and raise some army.
I recall some zoomancers killing monsters with ShaelShaelEthEthEthEth phase blade (and having crushing blow item), but it seems just wrong to me.
2. Skeleton warriors are ok as long you have 20 points in them, 20 points in skeleton mastery, some points in summon resist and at least +5 to summoning tree. Ah yes, and do not forget to curse your opponents with amplify damage or decrepify. Skeleton mages are worse - their hps and armor lower, damage isn't great and AI is horrible.
3. Either lower resist'em and let skel mages do their dirty job (slow,
but sure if you don't mind having at least one poison skeleton mage to stop monster regeneration), lower res'em and let your revives to
kill it (assuming your revives have some sort of elemental attack).
Or, curse it with amplify damage (in 1.10 it works on phys immunes lowering their phys resist by 20%). Of course, in most cases monster
still have 80% phys resist, but if you disable their regeneration - they will kill it. Do not forget about good old CE.
4. It depends. If you have strong skel warriors and melee revives - use Might (asuming you have clvl>mlvl). If you want your skeletons
only to tank, not kill - use Thorns or Defiance. Note that Might won't do anything good to your mages. If you are pretty sure that your skeletons miss too much - use Blessed Aim.
5. If you are rich and can get your hands on those new uber-runewords with built-in auras - use Iron Golem without question (and if you have revives - you have at least one point there). If you want to slow some nasty boss - summon Clay Golem (it has slow ability). Other golems are useless without heavy skill investment. Note that Blood Golem + Iron Maiden/Thorns bug was fixed.

Messages In This Thread
Summoning necro on hell? - by eajoe - 03-12-2004, 11:51 AM
Summoning necro on hell? - by Shade - 03-12-2004, 01:02 PM
Summoning necro on hell? - by Warleader - 03-12-2004, 03:17 PM
Summoning necro on hell? - by arrunique - 03-13-2004, 04:15 PM
Summoning necro on hell? - by Kevin - 03-14-2004, 02:34 AM
Summoning necro on hell? - by arrunique - 03-15-2004, 04:32 PM
Summoning necro on hell? - by ynkesfan2003 - 03-24-2004, 05:13 AM
Summoning necro on hell? - by ynkesfan2003 - 03-24-2004, 05:35 AM
Summoning necro on hell? - by ynkesfan2003 - 03-24-2004, 05:36 AM
Summoning necro on hell? - by ynkesfan2003 - 03-24-2004, 05:40 AM
Summoning necro on hell? - by Kevin - 03-24-2004, 01:39 PM
Summoning necro on hell? - by ynkesfan2003 - 03-24-2004, 09:31 PM
Summoning necro on hell? - by Yogi_Baar - 03-27-2004, 08:35 AM
Summoning necro on hell? - by gekko - 03-27-2004, 05:19 PM

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