Wow Kerry took the Florida primary!
Die I'm not sure I'm going to be able to answer your point all that well. However a few points of interest that lead me to feel this way about Bush are.

1. I read Michael Moore's book dude where's my country. Admittedly a book specifically made to bash bush. But I ask myself if there is one shread of information in that book that is significantly wrong.... I've not heard of any massive defemation law suit being brought against him? I have seen his research noted and the articles he has pulled information from to form his opinions. I wonder if you were slandered and put into such a serious light would you if you were the U.S. president stand back and not do anything or would you attempt to ensure your name was cleared?

2.According to statistics reported in more than one of your news groups and papers Bush has managed to put you all in the poor house for decades. Is this a point to be proud of the guy for? Or rather is it a point to attempt to get rid of the guy?

3.He and his administration virtually cut off all negotiation with the U.N. on invading Iraq and decided to go into Iraq with out U.N. security council unnaimous approval. I'm not talking about the French or the Germans. The Canadians, Russians and more than likely several more nations were unhappy at best at the decision. The cheif U.N. weapons inspector did not believe there were weapons of mass destruction in the country and requested more time. I did not sense or believe that Bush and et al. were in the slight bit interested in what any one else thought they were in a big stick weilding mood and forget what the rest of the freaking world thinks about were going in. This smack of out right arrogance of the first degree. I'm the Sherrif and Judge and you done wrong you're going to be strung up. No trial no right of defense other than force of arms. I can't believe that anyone in the United States feels that was justified and right. Given your belief in the rule of Law. My god even the worse mass murder in your country gets those rights.

4. The guy refused to sign an agreement that virtually every country in the world signed on to regarding the world court. Ie. Its okay for the United States to assign a name to a man such as they have in Guantanamo and hold him with out trial and remove just about any other human right save food and water.... but its not alright for the same to happen to an American soldier or citzen that purpetrates those very same crimes in some other country. (amazing arrogance again? or just ... bah I can't get into it)

Bush just pushes all the wrong buttons for me. He's arrogant, he seems to be a puppet for others and seems bound and determined to follow and adgenda that may not be in the best interest of the American people.

And yes die I do form thoughts and opinions with out help from outside sources but when I speak them I know that I have looked into some of what I want to say. I believe that Bush is just wrong for the world let alone the people of the United States. (yes yes I know that everyone in the United States could give a rats behind for what I think but some day you will realize that all great empires do come down to nothing.... note the Egyptian, Roman, Greek, French, British as past examples of the great humbled.) The sooner the United States realizes that it is better to work in and with the world instead of acting like we are the big bad ass of the world don't mess with us approach the sooner the united states will see unprecidented benefits all around. Any wonder that they can't get a peace treaty firmly entrenced in any location that they've tried to do that recently?

Having said all that. I'm very impressed with the reports and comments from those of you in this thread who have friends family and aquaintances in Iraq doing a very necessary job. My hat's off to them and all they do. The task they do will be long and fraught with danger and I wish them all the best in the world and to come home safely. Perhaps someone other than Bush can ensure that would happen too.

(note unedited so if it rambles and is disjointed I appologize.)


Messages In This Thread
Wow Kerry took the Florida primary! - by WarLocke - 03-10-2004, 04:19 AM
Wow Kerry took the Florida primary! - by Assur - 03-10-2004, 05:19 AM
Wow Kerry took the Florida primary! - by eppie - 03-10-2004, 09:25 AM
Wow Kerry took the Florida primary! - by eppie - 03-10-2004, 04:28 PM
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Wow Kerry took the Florida primary! - by Jester - 03-23-2004, 02:58 AM
Wow Kerry took the Florida primary! - by eppie - 03-24-2004, 10:34 AM

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