03-05-2004, 11:21 PM
Quote:Ahh, of course, it was only a matter of time before someone said this. The question, in this case, "why would you use an assault rifle to hunt using a single round at a time?" Your answer, "because I can."Since the status quo is that certain assualt type weapons are permissable, the burden is on you to demonstrate why they should not be. If you reason is that they exceed the "need" of a person, it has already been demonstrated that the "need" rationale falls short. If your reason is because other firearms serve the same purpose, then I submit that by that reasoning, automobiles that exceed 65 mph (autos which injur and kill more people than guns) fall into the same category. Should a cap on speed in automobiles also be imposed?
'Because I can' translates into, 'show me why I shouldn't, and how that reasoning applies to guns, and not every other activity'. How about, 'because I want them'.
Quote:It's interesting that I was accused of using circular logic. Your logic is that we can't change the gun laws because the law allows you to own an assault rifle.Please point to where I said that "we can't change the gun laws because the law allows you to own an assualt rifle." I'll assume it's an honest mistake, but I'll thank you not to put words into my mouth. If you cant point to where I said that, a retraction would be in order.