[RANT] Angel's canceled?
Gah! "Great maker" as our dear friend Londo Mollari would exclaim while throwing a tantrum

I just saw this week's episode of "Angel", and if this is the premise of the remaining episodes, they can cancel the show with my blessing.


1. Evil dead guy with puppet up his spine starts to sing a song. Lorne is right there and he's not picking up the fact that he's, oh I don't know, got a puppet up his ass? I thought he was supposed to "read" people while singing. I guess someone forgot to tell the writers this...

.. I was supposed to move on to item#2 but I just can't get over this.

My God, wasn't the *entire*.. yes the *ENTIRE* (capital letters used to describe anger and frustration) premise of this character the fact that he could "read" people; look into their souls whilst they sang a tune for him? What show am I watching?

Bleh.. moving on...

2. Fred-Wes. Did I just miss an entire season of Fred going from "I'm sorry but I don't love you" to "Ohh slap me with a big wet one, you british head-boy you!"? What the hell?

3. Oh, is Angel dating again? I still don't buy the fact that he's over Buffy, but for argument's sake; let's say he is... Didn't we just recently see a scene of Angel crying his little non-beating heart out when Cordelia "died"? For a man who's been doing some serious brooding for the last couple of centuries, he sure bounces back quickly after he's had his heart broken. I guess brooding bicentannial vamps don't dwell much on old memories..

"Written by Joss Whedon"; in what.. the bizarro world? Even if this *was* the evil alternate dimension from whence Evil Willow came, the script still wouldn't be as crappy as this. Sure I cracked a smile when Puppy-Angel became Puppy-Angelus, but that was the highlight of the episode.

Bleh!! Only continuity I got from this episode was Gunn's loss of fake knowledge which was foreshadowed last week.

Worst episode ever! (even more so than the one previous this season with the mexican wrestlers.)

I still don't know who the villain in season 5 is, and if they decide to continue "The zeppo"ing the remaining episodes, I fear we may never learn.

Minor sidenote:
"Cancer puppet"? It's not "Cancer of the puppies" as stated by Willow in "The Freshman", but it certainly made me think of it.

edit: I feel I should clarify: I *did* like The Zeppo, but
i) This wasn't near as funny
ii) How many of these "humour"-episodes do you want in a season of what is supposed to be a sci-fi drama?
iii) "Humour" does not equal "lack of continuity".
If the remaining episodes of this season are Becomings, Passions, Angels, The Gifts or I will always remember yous, then I'll be happy, but if I see just one more of these crapfests, *I'm* going to throw a tantrum. After, I'll go over to it, pick it up, and throw it once more.
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile

Messages In This Thread
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