Questions about the voting system in USA
>When you refer to the oddities of people voting in groups, after discussed opinions and reviewing the results of other voting groups, are
>you refering to the staggered primary process, or are you refering to the caucuses used in several states instead of the more familiar
>secret ballot primary elections?

I was refering to the fact that not everyone vote at the same time. That is, some will vote several weeks later than others, thus knowing the result allready of some votings and also having a possible very different situations, with different candidates and so on. That is what I find very strange.

>One other thing: I'm not trying to get into an argument I don't belong in, but calling one of the Admins a troll is not what I would
>consider as the wise choice. I'm not sure what in your post set Occhi off, but returning a harsh tone and labeling him troll is not
>going to improve this discussion, and dismissing him is not going to bring the thread back to the electoral process of the US.

I rarely have a clue on if someone is an admin or not and even if I knew it would not affect me since I tend to treat everyone the same, admins or not. As for improving the discussion, in what exact way did his post improve ANYTHING or had any relevance at all? Having an admin status (that I had no clue about and to be honest, I only checked the actual name of poster half way through replying) hardly improves it, on the contrary, it would make it worse if anything in my view.

Only have a few minutes before work here so have not had time to read all replies yet but will for sure. A follow up question though. Yes, the reason was of course mostly the ongoing "elections" or whatever is the proper way to call them, but also the main election that will be this fall. And yes, I am aware of quite a few things on how it works and so on. Anyway, do the elecion in november all take place on the same day in all states or is it spread as well over time? I had the impresion it was spread too.
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Messages In This Thread
Questions about the voting system in USA - by Jarulf - 02-19-2004, 06:45 AM
Questions about the voting system in USA - by Tal - 02-20-2004, 05:39 PM

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