Questions about the voting system in USA
Hail Occhi,

I really have to respond to this post of yours. I really respect you as a person whose posts are well thought through, but this one reads to me, in large parts, as Europe-bashing.

In reply to your first article, let me say that I am damn thankful for the Allied forces defeating Hitler's Germany in WW2. I really am, as I have seen what Totalitarism can do, and for sure, I don't approve of murdering 6 million jews in "Concentration Camps". I won't get to that "nice enough" statement of yours, which you already apologized for.

I, seeing myself as a "nice European", will not chime in to tell you and your fellow citizens what I don't like about the USA. It's not for me to do so, and you have enought smart people in the US to do this. But your words sound to me like "Don't you dare", and I don't like that. I don't like topics that are off topic, so to say. Sorry if I misunderstood that part of your post.

The statement about us Europeans having our heads up other parts of our anatomy sounds offensive to me. Don't know how you would take it if I or someone else said this about Americans, but I tend to feel offended by the generalization of this. Maybe we were occupied killing of each other in the twentieth century, but let's keep in mind that pretty much of "New America" was busy killing off "Old America" in the 19th century. Sorry to come back to this, I don't want to blame this on you or anyone else reading this, but if I read something about "depopulating you continent via the sword", this also comes to my mind.

Also, I see the John Wayne quote as a way to express that us Europeans are stupid. I feel offended by that. Sure, we have our share of idiots, but these are everywhere.

"if the shoe fits, wear it." Not much leeway in chosing if it fits or not, don't you think, Occhi? The way you wrote your post, I have to say the shoe fits, as there are accusations and overgeneralizations too numerous not to speak up in favour of Europe, at least for me. However, if I misunderstood your post, you have my apologies. But for me the last article was just the icing of the cake:

(/me paraphrases here)
Dear Europeans, be glad for the USA, otherwise you'd be nonexistent by now. Now, be nice to each other, Uncle Sam will give you (insert your nations favourite wish here).
Excuse me, Occhi, but the Marshal Plan and other things were not intended for the betterment of Germany, for examlpe, hey? They were meant to turn Europe into a bastion against world communism.

May this be as it may, your last statement really sound belittiling to me (like, meant to make another person feel weak and small, sorry, I'm not a native speaker), and that gets me off. And I, for one, can do without that ice cream, as I have been out of the sandbox for quite some time.
If you might consider upgrading your offer to a nice Pitcher of Beer, we might have a deal.

Again, sorry if I misunderstood you post, which hit me as totally atypical for you, Occhi. I don't want to rave about the USA, but I also expect respect for Europe vice versa. Fair?

Take care,
"I don't like to brag, I don't like to boast, but I like hot butter on my breakfast toast!" - Flea

Messages In This Thread
Questions about the voting system in USA - by Lord_Olf - 02-18-2004, 11:49 PM
Questions about the voting system in USA - by Tal - 02-20-2004, 05:39 PM

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