Questions about the voting system in USA
Occhidiangela,Feb 18 2004, 09:37 AM Wrote:First off, as an American, I don't much care how you think our elections should be done, you don't live here.  We Americans don't much care for monarchies, the European model that it took two world wars to break.  You are all most welcome for our assistance along those  lines.  IIRC the Swedes were nice enough to supply Hitler with the Heavy Water for his Atomic Bomb project.  Boys will be boys, I suppose.  :unsure: 


If another of you nice Europeans wants to chime in about what you don't like about America, I will offer you this in advance.

If you Europeans had not had your heads so far up your asses, and been so bound and determined to kill each other off in the twentieth century, America would not have filled the power vacuum you all left thanks to your infantile bickering and your depopulating your continent
Dear Europe: if the shoe fits, wear it.  What appears to be happening now is that, with 50 years of protection from America to allow Europe to grow without killing each other, y'all seem to be playing nicer in the sandbox with each other.  Good for all of you, and if you are extra good, I will buy you all an ice cream.  :P
*brushes Occhi's shoulders vigorously to get the all the chips off*

*firmly takes away the Rogue's coffee cup and substitutes chamomile tea*

If Jarulf (or any other confused foreigner) is interested enough to ask about the system, you really don't need to parade all the short-comings of everybody else to shore up your side of the argument !

YES - your system is damn confusing. And YES it looks very odd from the outside. Mentioning the parts that look odd is only a way to help you know where the teaching has to start.

Packaging the teaching with insults and reviews of past screw-ups just makes you look like you have a weakness to hide and a grouchy temperament to boot. And we all know that there really is a sunny sweet-tempered Rogue in there somewhere. ;)
And you may call it righteousness
When civility survives,
But I've had dinner with the Devil and
I know nice from right.

From Dinner with the Devil, by Big Rude Jake


Messages In This Thread
Questions about the voting system in USA - by ShadowHM - 02-18-2004, 04:24 PM
Questions about the voting system in USA - by Tal - 02-20-2004, 05:39 PM

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