Balance of Power Mod for Diablo 1.09
Known Issues:
- Experience sharing does not work 100%.
- Resurrection may not be an actual learnable spell.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug that caused Flash to deal only 10% of its damage to certain positions.
Character Changes:
- Rogue's max Strength is now 60.
- Sorcerer's max Dexterity is now 80.
- Sorcerer's max Magic is now 255.
- Warrior's base attack speed increased by .05 swings per second.
- Sorcerer's base casting time decreased by .05 seconds.
General Changes:
- Character Saves are now stored as for Single Player, and for Multiplayer.
- Experience is now shared equally among all living players on the dungeon level.
- Griswold's price limit for selling items is now 170,000.
- Adria's price limit for selling items is now 170,000.
- Wirt's price limit for selling items is now 169,999.
Item Changes:
- Split Skull Shield is now Qlvl 2.
- The Bleeder is now Qlvl 3.
- Ring of Regha is now Qlvl 2.
- Gonnagal's Dirk is now Qlvl 3, and is now findable in Multiplayer.
- Crackrust is now Qlvl 11, and is now findable in Multiplayer.
- Lightforge is now Qlvl 8, and is now findable in Multiplayer (I hope).
- The Mangler is now Qlvl 6, and is now findable in Multiplayer.
- The Deflector is now findable in Multiplayer.
- Bramble is now findable in Multiplayer.
- Short Bows no longer have a double occurrence rate.
- Hunter's Bows no longer have a double occurrence rate.
- Long Bows no longer have a double occurrence rate.
- Composite Bows no longer have a double occurrence rate.
- Short Battle Bows no longer have a double occurrence rate.
- Long Battle Bows no longer have a double occurrence rate.
- Short War Bows no longer have a double occurrence rate.
- Long War Bows no longer have a double occurrence rate.
- Gothic Shields now require 60 Strength.
- Tower Shields now require 80 Strength.
- Claymores now deal 4 - 10 damage.
- Spiked Clubs now deal 2 - 6 damage.
- Morning Stars now deal 2 - 10 damage.
- Flails now deal 4 - 12 damage.
- War Hammers now deal 5 - 14 damage.
- Mauls now deal 8 - 20 damage.
- Small Axes now deal 4 - 10 damage.
- Axes now deal 6 - 15 damage.
- Large Axes now deal 8 - 20 damage.
- Broad Axes now deal 10 - 25 damage.
- Battle Axes now deal 12 - 30 damage.
- Great Axes now deal 14 - 35 damage.
- Rags now have 1 - 5 AC.
- Capes now have 2 - 6 AC.
- Plate Mail now has 40 - 45 AC.
- Field Plate now has 42 - 50 AC.
- Gothic Shields now have 12 - 18 AC.
- Tower Shields now have 14 - 20 AC.
- Gothic Shields now have 50 Durability.
- Tower Shields now have 60 Durability.
- Clubs now cost 150 gold.
- Gothic Shields now cost 850 gold.
- Tower Shields now cost 1600 Gold.
- Long War Bows have a new graphic.
- Great Helms have a new graphic.
- The Mangler has a new graphic.
- The Celestial Star has a new graphic.
- Staff of Shadows has a new graphic.
- Naj's Puzzler has a new graphic.
- Rod of Onan has a new graphic.
- Holy Defender has a new graphic.
- Stormshield has a new graphic.
- Some Rings now have new graphics.
- Some Amulets now have a new graphic.
Monster Changes:
- Steel Lords now appear on Dlvls 13 - 15.
- Blood Knights now appear on Dlvls 14 - 15.
- Hazeshifter can now appear on Dlvl 6.
- Bronzefist Firestone can now appear on Dlvl 9.
- Glasskull the Jagged can now appear on Dlvl 10.
- Stormbane can now appear on Dlvl 11.
- Grimspike can now appear on Dlvl 12.
- Blacktongue can now appear on Dlvl 13.
- Doomlock can now appear on Dlvl 13.
- Lord of the Pit can now appear on Dlvl 15.
- Webwidow can now appear on Dlvl 15.
- Fleshdancer can now appear on Dlvl 15.
- Diablo now has a Mlvl of 31.
- Undead are typically resistant to Lightning, and sometimes resistant to Magic, but are weak against Fire.
- Lava Maws' To Hit is now 75% in Normal, 160% in Nightmare, and 195% in Hell.
- Storm Riders' To Hit is now 90% in Normal, 175% in Nightmare, and 210% in Hell.
- Storm Lords' To Hit is now 100% in Normal, 185% in Nightmare, and 220% in Hell.
- Maelstorms' To Hit is now 110% in Normal, 195% in Nightmare, and 230% in Hell.
- Balrogs' To Hit is now 135% in Normal, 220% in Nightmare, and 255% in Hell.
- Azure Drakes' To Hit is now 135% in Normal, 220% in Nightmare, and 255% in Hell.
- Doom Guards' To Hit is now 120% in Normal, 205% in Nightmare, and 240% in Hell.
- Steel Lords' To Hit is now 130% in Normal, 215% in Nightmare, and 250% in Hell.
- Blood Knights' To Hit is now 135% in Normal, 220% in Nightmare, and 255% in Hell.
- Diablo's To Hit is now 135% in Normal, 220% in Nightmare, and 255% in Hell.
- Succubi damage is now 5 - 20 in Normal, 14 - 44 in Nightmare, and 26 - 86 in Hell.
- Snow Witches' damage is now 5 - 24 in Normal, 14 - 52 in Nightmare, and 26 - 102 in Hell.
- Hell Spawns' damage is now 5 - 30 in Normal, 14 - 64 in Nightmare, and 26 - 126 in Hell.
- Soul Burners' damage is now 5 - 35 in Normal, 14 - 74 in Nightmare, and 26 - 146 in Hell.
Prefix / Suffix Changes:
- Cursed Suffixes can no longer be found with non-cursed Prefixes.
- Prefix Sharp is no longer treated as "cursed".
- Fine is now Qlvl 5
- Warrior's is now Qlvl 9
- Soldier's is now Qlvl 13
- Lord's is now Qlvl 17
- Knight's is now Qlvl 21
- Master's is now Qlvl 25
- Champion's is now Qlvl 29
- King's is now Qlvl 35
- Prefix Champion's is now findable in the dungeon, and purchasable from Griswold.
- Topaz now gives +1% - +6% resist all.
- Amber now gives +7% - +12% resist all.
- Jade now gives +13% - +18% resist all.
- Obsidian now gives +19% - +24% resist all.
- Emerald now gives +25% - +30% resist all.
- of Absorption now has -3 to -4 damage taken.
- of Deflection now has -5 to -6 damage taken.
- of Osmosis now has -7 to -10 damage taken.
Shrine Changes:
- Gloomy Shrines now appear in Single Player and Multiplayer.
- Thaumaturgic Shrines now appear in Single Player and Multiplayer.
- Weird Shrines now appear in Single Player and Multiplayer.
- Enchanted Shrines only appear in the Catacombs.
- Gloomy Shrines only appear in the Caves and Hell.
- Holy Shrines only appear in the Caves and Hell.
- Weird Shrines only appear in the Church and the Catacombs.
- Fascinating Shrines have been disabled.
- Ornate Shrines have been disabled.
- Sacred Shrines have been disabled.
- Tainted Shrines have been disabled.
Spell Changes:
- Resurrection is now a learnable spell.
- Teleport is now castable in Town.
- Telekinesis now has "Lightning" casting animation.
- Nova now has "Lightning" casting animation.
- Flash now has "Magic" casting animation.
- Golem now has "Magic" casting animation.
- Charged Bolt now has "Lightning" casting sound.
- Telekinesis now has "Lightning" casting sound.
- Chain Lightning now has "Lightning" casting sound.
- Holy Bolt now has "Magic" casting sound.
- Flash now has "Magic" casting sound.
- Stone Curse now has "Magic" casting sound.
- Phasing now has "Magic" casting sound.
- Mana Shield now has "Magic" casting sound.
- Golem now has "Magic" casting sound.
- Bone Spirit now has "Magic" casting sound.
- Blood Star now has "Magic" casting sound.
- Blood Star now costs 18 mana to cast initially, with -1 mana per spell level, and 8 minimum mana cost.
- Bone Spirit now costs 50 mana to cast initially, with -3 mana per spell level, and 25 mana minimum casting cost.
- Fireball now costs 20 mana to cast initially, with -1 mana per spell level, and 15 mana minimum casting cost.
- Flash now costs 20 mana to cast initially, with -1 mana per spell level, and 10 mana minimum casting cost.
- Resurrect now costs 50 mana to cast initially, with -2 mana per spell level, and 20 mana minimum casting cost.
Currently, development has taken place entirely through editing the .EXE file. While this does prevent conflict with a normal Diablo installation, it disables any ability to play the mod via Battle.Net. However, an alternative form, called a .DAT file, can be used to circumvent this problem and enable MP play over Battle.Net. As of right now, no development has begun on a .DAT format - yet. I intend to produce my mod in both formats, once I get the time to make all the changes. Due to the nature of .DATs, changes can take longer than via Hex editing a .EXE file, so progress (once it starts) will be slower than you've witnessed as of late. However, I will produce a .DAT file so that MP play will be possible. Of that you can be sure.
Now, as to the mod itself, the general theme (as the title, and past history with my modding endeavors, would dictate) is one of balance. There are many aspects in Diablo, both in favor of and against the player, that are imbalanced and/or broken. This mod attempts to fix said elements, while at the same time breathing a bit of new life into an old, but no less incredibly fun game. Some things that were bugged or outright broken in vanilla Diablo have been fixed / altered, while other things have merely been adjusted in order to even things out. The goal of this mod is NOT to change as much as possible; that is, in fact, the exact OPPOSITE of what the mod intends to do. Although most things WILL change, the core elements will remain the same (i.e. monsters, items, general game mechanics, etc.). Only things that were deemed (by myself, and/or the majority of Diablo players) off-kilter or broken will be altered, in order to make a more level, enjoyable playing experience.
One thing you'll note is that many of the monsters in Hell have gotten a boost, sometimes minor, sometimes a bit larger. Diablo's To Hit changes, for example, were done in order to fix a bug that made him virtually harmless in melee combat on the later difficulties. He is now a much more formidable challenge in melee, while still retaining his normal offensive capabilities with spells (Apocalypse). Other monsters got slight increases to damage, To Hit, etc., in order to make Hell that much more "hellish".
Many previously-unspawnable Bosses can now be found on their respective levels, thus adding not only an extra challenge to the levels, but also some much-needed variety. Likewise, monster Resistances will be changing across the board; although a fair portion will remain similar to their vanilla counterparts, many will have their Resistances altered drastically. The purpose of these changes is to vary the use of spells, in order to tone down the effectiveness of some elements / spells (Fireball, Chain Lightning), while boosting the effectiveness of others (Flash, Blood Star, Bone Spirit). As such, Sorcerers, and any other spell-oriented character, will have to vary their tactics and strategies in order to succeed. This also has the byproduct of breathing a bit of life into an otherwise stale element.
Similarly, certain items have had their damages or Armor Class altered, in order to create a more even flow up the chain, as well as create viability for certain items. Rags, for instance, are no longer more powerful than Capes, as they should not be, while Axes are now the supreme damage-dealing weapon for any combat-oriented character, despite their need for two hands. Bows no longer have double the chance of dropping, thus evening out drop rates a bit, as well. Even more, several previously-unfindable Uniques can now make an appearance in the game, a nice treat for collector's and general players alike. New graphics for many items also add a bit of flair to the game, sprucing up the dull monotony of item-finding. And, most Prefixes and Suffixes have been or will be altered in order to make gameplay more balanced, as well as even out the affix spawn pool. Although the best items will still be purchasable from Wirt (who, like Griswold and Adria, how has an increased price cap - meaning they can sell items that were previously too expensive for them to stock), Diablo will be the only one able to actually drop the very best items in the game, severing the endless cycle of Laz-runs and promoting more thorough clears of games.
Experience sharing, although somewhat buggy, gives a boon to co-op play, despite the temporary lack of B.Net support. And the removal of any "cursed" Shrines, including those that would do no harm to you but instead harm to your co-op partners also aids co-op play, in addition to freeing up Goat Shrines and Cauldrons for use actual use.
Although the mod is not yet complete, it IS mostly fleshed out. I hope to have it completed by the end of the month, and at the very least to have begun work on a .DAT file by the same time. We shall see how things fare, however.
Anyway, I just wanted to throw up an update about the mod (however long-winded it may be; you know me ;)). I'll leave you to get back to your normal lives and stop reading over my boring monologues. ;) Besides, I still have modding to do! :D
Known Issues:
- Experience sharing does not work 100%.
- Resurrection may not be an actual learnable spell.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug that caused Flash to deal only 10% of its damage to certain positions.
Character Changes:
- Rogue's max Strength is now 60.
- Sorcerer's max Dexterity is now 80.
- Sorcerer's max Magic is now 255.
- Warrior's base attack speed increased by .05 swings per second.
- Sorcerer's base casting time decreased by .05 seconds.
General Changes:
- Character Saves are now stored as for Single Player, and for Multiplayer.
- Experience is now shared equally among all living players on the dungeon level.
- Griswold's price limit for selling items is now 170,000.
- Adria's price limit for selling items is now 170,000.
- Wirt's price limit for selling items is now 169,999.
Item Changes:
- Split Skull Shield is now Qlvl 2.
- The Bleeder is now Qlvl 3.
- Ring of Regha is now Qlvl 2.
- Gonnagal's Dirk is now Qlvl 3, and is now findable in Multiplayer.
- Crackrust is now Qlvl 11, and is now findable in Multiplayer.
- Lightforge is now Qlvl 8, and is now findable in Multiplayer (I hope).
- The Mangler is now Qlvl 6, and is now findable in Multiplayer.
- The Deflector is now findable in Multiplayer.
- Bramble is now findable in Multiplayer.
- Short Bows no longer have a double occurrence rate.
- Hunter's Bows no longer have a double occurrence rate.
- Long Bows no longer have a double occurrence rate.
- Composite Bows no longer have a double occurrence rate.
- Short Battle Bows no longer have a double occurrence rate.
- Long Battle Bows no longer have a double occurrence rate.
- Short War Bows no longer have a double occurrence rate.
- Long War Bows no longer have a double occurrence rate.
- Gothic Shields now require 60 Strength.
- Tower Shields now require 80 Strength.
- Claymores now deal 4 - 10 damage.
- Spiked Clubs now deal 2 - 6 damage.
- Morning Stars now deal 2 - 10 damage.
- Flails now deal 4 - 12 damage.
- War Hammers now deal 5 - 14 damage.
- Mauls now deal 8 - 20 damage.
- Small Axes now deal 4 - 10 damage.
- Axes now deal 6 - 15 damage.
- Large Axes now deal 8 - 20 damage.
- Broad Axes now deal 10 - 25 damage.
- Battle Axes now deal 12 - 30 damage.
- Great Axes now deal 14 - 35 damage.
- Rags now have 1 - 5 AC.
- Capes now have 2 - 6 AC.
- Plate Mail now has 40 - 45 AC.
- Field Plate now has 42 - 50 AC.
- Gothic Shields now have 12 - 18 AC.
- Tower Shields now have 14 - 20 AC.
- Gothic Shields now have 50 Durability.
- Tower Shields now have 60 Durability.
- Clubs now cost 150 gold.
- Gothic Shields now cost 850 gold.
- Tower Shields now cost 1600 Gold.
- Long War Bows have a new graphic.
- Great Helms have a new graphic.
- The Mangler has a new graphic.
- The Celestial Star has a new graphic.
- Staff of Shadows has a new graphic.
- Naj's Puzzler has a new graphic.
- Rod of Onan has a new graphic.
- Holy Defender has a new graphic.
- Stormshield has a new graphic.
- Some Rings now have new graphics.
- Some Amulets now have a new graphic.
Monster Changes:
- Steel Lords now appear on Dlvls 13 - 15.
- Blood Knights now appear on Dlvls 14 - 15.
- Hazeshifter can now appear on Dlvl 6.
- Bronzefist Firestone can now appear on Dlvl 9.
- Glasskull the Jagged can now appear on Dlvl 10.
- Stormbane can now appear on Dlvl 11.
- Grimspike can now appear on Dlvl 12.
- Blacktongue can now appear on Dlvl 13.
- Doomlock can now appear on Dlvl 13.
- Lord of the Pit can now appear on Dlvl 15.
- Webwidow can now appear on Dlvl 15.
- Fleshdancer can now appear on Dlvl 15.
- Diablo now has a Mlvl of 31.
- Undead are typically resistant to Lightning, and sometimes resistant to Magic, but are weak against Fire.
- Lava Maws' To Hit is now 75% in Normal, 160% in Nightmare, and 195% in Hell.
- Storm Riders' To Hit is now 90% in Normal, 175% in Nightmare, and 210% in Hell.
- Storm Lords' To Hit is now 100% in Normal, 185% in Nightmare, and 220% in Hell.
- Maelstorms' To Hit is now 110% in Normal, 195% in Nightmare, and 230% in Hell.
- Balrogs' To Hit is now 135% in Normal, 220% in Nightmare, and 255% in Hell.
- Azure Drakes' To Hit is now 135% in Normal, 220% in Nightmare, and 255% in Hell.
- Doom Guards' To Hit is now 120% in Normal, 205% in Nightmare, and 240% in Hell.
- Steel Lords' To Hit is now 130% in Normal, 215% in Nightmare, and 250% in Hell.
- Blood Knights' To Hit is now 135% in Normal, 220% in Nightmare, and 255% in Hell.
- Diablo's To Hit is now 135% in Normal, 220% in Nightmare, and 255% in Hell.
- Succubi damage is now 5 - 20 in Normal, 14 - 44 in Nightmare, and 26 - 86 in Hell.
- Snow Witches' damage is now 5 - 24 in Normal, 14 - 52 in Nightmare, and 26 - 102 in Hell.
- Hell Spawns' damage is now 5 - 30 in Normal, 14 - 64 in Nightmare, and 26 - 126 in Hell.
- Soul Burners' damage is now 5 - 35 in Normal, 14 - 74 in Nightmare, and 26 - 146 in Hell.
Prefix / Suffix Changes:
- Cursed Suffixes can no longer be found with non-cursed Prefixes.
- Prefix Sharp is no longer treated as "cursed".
- Fine is now Qlvl 5
- Warrior's is now Qlvl 9
- Soldier's is now Qlvl 13
- Lord's is now Qlvl 17
- Knight's is now Qlvl 21
- Master's is now Qlvl 25
- Champion's is now Qlvl 29
- King's is now Qlvl 35
- Prefix Champion's is now findable in the dungeon, and purchasable from Griswold.
- Topaz now gives +1% - +6% resist all.
- Amber now gives +7% - +12% resist all.
- Jade now gives +13% - +18% resist all.
- Obsidian now gives +19% - +24% resist all.
- Emerald now gives +25% - +30% resist all.
- of Absorption now has -3 to -4 damage taken.
- of Deflection now has -5 to -6 damage taken.
- of Osmosis now has -7 to -10 damage taken.
Shrine Changes:
- Gloomy Shrines now appear in Single Player and Multiplayer.
- Thaumaturgic Shrines now appear in Single Player and Multiplayer.
- Weird Shrines now appear in Single Player and Multiplayer.
- Enchanted Shrines only appear in the Catacombs.
- Gloomy Shrines only appear in the Caves and Hell.
- Holy Shrines only appear in the Caves and Hell.
- Weird Shrines only appear in the Church and the Catacombs.
- Fascinating Shrines have been disabled.
- Ornate Shrines have been disabled.
- Sacred Shrines have been disabled.
- Tainted Shrines have been disabled.
Spell Changes:
- Resurrection is now a learnable spell.
- Teleport is now castable in Town.
- Telekinesis now has "Lightning" casting animation.
- Nova now has "Lightning" casting animation.
- Flash now has "Magic" casting animation.
- Golem now has "Magic" casting animation.
- Charged Bolt now has "Lightning" casting sound.
- Telekinesis now has "Lightning" casting sound.
- Chain Lightning now has "Lightning" casting sound.
- Holy Bolt now has "Magic" casting sound.
- Flash now has "Magic" casting sound.
- Stone Curse now has "Magic" casting sound.
- Phasing now has "Magic" casting sound.
- Mana Shield now has "Magic" casting sound.
- Golem now has "Magic" casting sound.
- Bone Spirit now has "Magic" casting sound.
- Blood Star now has "Magic" casting sound.
- Blood Star now costs 18 mana to cast initially, with -1 mana per spell level, and 8 minimum mana cost.
- Bone Spirit now costs 50 mana to cast initially, with -3 mana per spell level, and 25 mana minimum casting cost.
- Fireball now costs 20 mana to cast initially, with -1 mana per spell level, and 15 mana minimum casting cost.
- Flash now costs 20 mana to cast initially, with -1 mana per spell level, and 10 mana minimum casting cost.
- Resurrect now costs 50 mana to cast initially, with -2 mana per spell level, and 20 mana minimum casting cost.
Currently, development has taken place entirely through editing the .EXE file. While this does prevent conflict with a normal Diablo installation, it disables any ability to play the mod via Battle.Net. However, an alternative form, called a .DAT file, can be used to circumvent this problem and enable MP play over Battle.Net. As of right now, no development has begun on a .DAT format - yet. I intend to produce my mod in both formats, once I get the time to make all the changes. Due to the nature of .DATs, changes can take longer than via Hex editing a .EXE file, so progress (once it starts) will be slower than you've witnessed as of late. However, I will produce a .DAT file so that MP play will be possible. Of that you can be sure.
Now, as to the mod itself, the general theme (as the title, and past history with my modding endeavors, would dictate) is one of balance. There are many aspects in Diablo, both in favor of and against the player, that are imbalanced and/or broken. This mod attempts to fix said elements, while at the same time breathing a bit of new life into an old, but no less incredibly fun game. Some things that were bugged or outright broken in vanilla Diablo have been fixed / altered, while other things have merely been adjusted in order to even things out. The goal of this mod is NOT to change as much as possible; that is, in fact, the exact OPPOSITE of what the mod intends to do. Although most things WILL change, the core elements will remain the same (i.e. monsters, items, general game mechanics, etc.). Only things that were deemed (by myself, and/or the majority of Diablo players) off-kilter or broken will be altered, in order to make a more level, enjoyable playing experience.
One thing you'll note is that many of the monsters in Hell have gotten a boost, sometimes minor, sometimes a bit larger. Diablo's To Hit changes, for example, were done in order to fix a bug that made him virtually harmless in melee combat on the later difficulties. He is now a much more formidable challenge in melee, while still retaining his normal offensive capabilities with spells (Apocalypse). Other monsters got slight increases to damage, To Hit, etc., in order to make Hell that much more "hellish".
Many previously-unspawnable Bosses can now be found on their respective levels, thus adding not only an extra challenge to the levels, but also some much-needed variety. Likewise, monster Resistances will be changing across the board; although a fair portion will remain similar to their vanilla counterparts, many will have their Resistances altered drastically. The purpose of these changes is to vary the use of spells, in order to tone down the effectiveness of some elements / spells (Fireball, Chain Lightning), while boosting the effectiveness of others (Flash, Blood Star, Bone Spirit). As such, Sorcerers, and any other spell-oriented character, will have to vary their tactics and strategies in order to succeed. This also has the byproduct of breathing a bit of life into an otherwise stale element.
Similarly, certain items have had their damages or Armor Class altered, in order to create a more even flow up the chain, as well as create viability for certain items. Rags, for instance, are no longer more powerful than Capes, as they should not be, while Axes are now the supreme damage-dealing weapon for any combat-oriented character, despite their need for two hands. Bows no longer have double the chance of dropping, thus evening out drop rates a bit, as well. Even more, several previously-unfindable Uniques can now make an appearance in the game, a nice treat for collector's and general players alike. New graphics for many items also add a bit of flair to the game, sprucing up the dull monotony of item-finding. And, most Prefixes and Suffixes have been or will be altered in order to make gameplay more balanced, as well as even out the affix spawn pool. Although the best items will still be purchasable from Wirt (who, like Griswold and Adria, how has an increased price cap - meaning they can sell items that were previously too expensive for them to stock), Diablo will be the only one able to actually drop the very best items in the game, severing the endless cycle of Laz-runs and promoting more thorough clears of games.
Experience sharing, although somewhat buggy, gives a boon to co-op play, despite the temporary lack of B.Net support. And the removal of any "cursed" Shrines, including those that would do no harm to you but instead harm to your co-op partners also aids co-op play, in addition to freeing up Goat Shrines and Cauldrons for use actual use.
Although the mod is not yet complete, it IS mostly fleshed out. I hope to have it completed by the end of the month, and at the very least to have begun work on a .DAT file by the same time. We shall see how things fare, however.
Anyway, I just wanted to throw up an update about the mod (however long-winded it may be; you know me ;)). I'll leave you to get back to your normal lives and stop reading over my boring monologues. ;) Besides, I still have modding to do! :D
Roland *The Gunslinger*