Balance of Power
Balance of Power Mod for Diablo 1.09
Latest Changes

Alpha 1:
Bug Fixes:

Character Changes:
- Warrior's max Magic is now 30.
- Rogue's max Strength is now 60.
- Sorcerer's max Dexterity is now 80.
- Sorcerer's max Magic is now 255.
- Warrior's base attack speed increased by .05 swings per second.

General Changes:

Item Changes:
- Morning Stars now deal 2 - 10 damage.
- War Hammers now deal 5 - 14 damage.
- Mauls now deal 8 - 20 damage.
- Small Axes now deal 4 - 10 damage.
- Axes now deal 6 - 15 damage.
- Large Axes now deal 8 - 20 damage.
- Broad Axes now deal 10 - 25 damage.
- Battle Axes now deal 12 - 30 damage.
- Great Axes now deal 15 - 40 damage.
- Plate Mail now has 40 - 45 AC.
- Field Plate now has 42 - 50 AC.
- Long War Bows have a new graphic.
- Great Helms have a new graphic.
- The Mangler has a new graphic.
- The Celestial Star has a new graphic.
- Staff of Shadows has a new graphic.
- Naj's Puzzler has a new graphic.
- Rod of Onan has a new graphic.
- Holy Defender has a new graphic.
- Stormshield has a new graphic.
- Split Skull Shield is now qlvl 2.
- The Bleeder is now qlvl 3.
- Ring of Regha is now qlvl 2.
- Gonnagal's Dirk is now qlvl 3, and is now findable in Multiplayer.
- Crackrust is now qlvl 11, and is now findable in Multiplayer.
- Lightforge is now qlvl 8, and is now findable in Multiplayer (I hope).
- The Mangler is now qlvl 6, and is now findable in Multiplayer.
- The Deflector is now findable in Multiplayer.
- Bramble is now findable in Multiplayer.

Monster Changes:
- Diablo now has a Mlvl of 31.
- Hazeshifter can now appear on dlvl 6.
- Bronzefist Firestone can now appear on dlvl 9.
- Glasskull the Jagged can now appear on dlvl 10.
- Stormbane can now appear on dlvl 11.
- Grimspike can now appear on dlvl 12.
- Blacktongue can now appear on dlvl 13.
- Doomlock can now appear on dlvl 13.
- Lord of the Pit can now appear on dlvl 15.
- Webwidow can now appear on dlvl 15.
- Fleshdancer can now appear on dlvl 15.

Prefix / Suffix Changes:
- Sharp is no longer treated as a "cursed" Prefix.
- Fine now has a Qlvl of 5.
- Warrior's now has a Qlvl of 9.
- Soldier's now has a Qlvl of 13.
- Lord's now has a Qlvl of 18.
- Knight's now has a Qlvl of 22.
- Master's now has a Qlvl of 26.
- Champion's now has a Qlvl of 30.
- King's now has a Qlvl of 35.

Shrine Changes:
- Gloomy Shrines now appear in Single Player and Multiplayer.
- Thaumaturgic Shrines now appear in Single Player and Multiplayer.
- Weird Shrines now appear in Single Player and Multiplayer.
- Enchanted Shrines only appear in the Catacombs.
- Gloomy Shrines only appear in the Caves and Hell.
- Holy Shrines only appear in the Caves and Hell.
- Tainted Shrines only appear in the Caves and Hell.
- Weird Shrines only appear in the Church and the Catacombs.
- Fascinating Shrines have been disabled.
- Ornate Shrines have been disabled.
- Sacred Shrines have been disabled.

Spell Changes:
- Resurrection is now a learnable spell.
- Teleport is now castable in Town.
- Telekinesis now has "Lightning" casting animation.
- Nova now has "Lightning" casting animation.
- Flash now has "Magic" casting animation.
- Golem now has "Magic" casting animation.
- Charged Bolt now has "Lightning" casting sound.
- Telekinesis now has "Lightning" casting sound.
- Chain Lightning now has "Lightning" casting sound.
- Holy Bolt now has "Magic" casting sound.
- Flash now has "Magic" casting sound.
- Stone Curse now has "Magic" casting sound.
- Phasing now has "Magic" casting sound.
- Mana Shield now has "Magic" casting sound.
- Golem now has "Magic" casting sound.
- Bone Spirit now has "Magic" casting sound.
- Blood Star now has "Magic" casting sound.
- Blood Star now costs 18 mana to cast initially, with -1 mana per spell level, and 8 minimum mana cost.
- Bone Spirit now costs 50 mana to cast initially, with -3 mana per spell level, and 25 mana minimum casting cost.
- Fireball now costs 20 mana to cast initially, with -1 mana per spell level, and 15 mana minimum casting cost.
- Flash now costs 20 mana to cast initially, with -1 mana per spell level, and 10 mana minimum casting cost.
- Resurrect now costs 50 mana to cast initially, with -2 mana per spell level, and 20 mana minimum casting cost.

To Do List
Definite Changes:

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug that gave Diablo very low base To-Hit % on Nightmare and Hell.
- Fixed a bug that caused Flash to deal only 10% of its damage to certain positions.
- Fixed a bug that allowed the duplication of items.

General Changes:
- F1 - F4 may now be used as Spell Hotkeys.
- Experience is now fully shared, equally among all living players on the level.
- Defeating Diablo no longer produces the Ending movie.

Monster Changes:
- Diablo is now treated as a "Boss" monster.
- Animals are typically resistant to Magic, and sometimes resistant to Fire, but are weak against Lightning.
- Undead are typically resistant to Lightning, and sometimes resistant to Magic, but are weak against Fire.
- Demons are typically resistant to Fire and Lightning, but are sometimes weak against Magic.
- All Bosses, with the exception of certain Unique Bosses, have accompanying boss packs.

Prefix / Suffix Changes:
- Sharp is now qlvl 1.
- Fine is now qlvl 5.
- Warrior's is now qlvl 9.
- Soldier's is now qlvl 13.
- Lord's is now qlvl 18.
- Knights is now qlvl 22.
- Master's is now qlvl 26.
- Champion's is now qlvl 30.
- King's is now qlvl 35.
- Topaz is now qlvl 7.
- Amber is now qlvl 14.
- Jade is now qlvl 21.
- Obsidian is now qlvl 28.
- Emerald is now qlvl 35.
- of Quality is now qlvl 1.
- of Slaying is now qlvl 14.
- of Gore is now qlvl 21.
- of Carnage is now qlvl 28.
- of Slaughter is now qlvl 35.
- of Osmosis is now qlvl 35.
- Bronze no longer has a double occurrence rate.
- Iron no longer has a double occurrence rate.
- Steel no longer has a double occurrence rate.
- Silver no longer has a double occurrence rate.
- Gold no longer has a double occurrence rate.
- Platinum no longer has a double occurrence rate.
- Mithril no longer has a double occurrence rate.
- Meteoric no longer has a double occurrence rate.
- Strange no longer has a double occurrence rate.
- Weird no longer has a double occurrence rate.
- Jagged no longer has a double occurrence rate.
- Deadly no longer has a double occurrence rate.
- Heavy no longer has a double occurrence rate.
- Vicious no longer has a double occurrence rate.
- Brutal no longer has a double occurrence rate.
- Massive no longer has a double occurrence rate.
- Savage no longer has a double occurrence rate.
- Ruthless no longer has a double occurrence rate.
- Merciless no longer has a double occurrence rate.
- Sharp no longer has a double occurrence rate.
- Fine no longer has a double occurrence rate.
- Warrior's no longer has a double occurrence rate.
- Soldier's no longer has a double occurrence rate.
- Lord's no longer has a double occurrence rate.
- Knight's no longer has a double occurrence rate.
- Master's no longer has a double occurrence rate.
- Champion's no longer has a double occurrence rate.
- King's no longer has a double occurrence rate.
- Fine no longer has a double occurrence rate.
- Strong no longer has a double occurrence rate.
- Grand no longer has a double occurrence rate.
- Valiant no longer has a double occurrence rate.
- Glorious no longer has a double occurrence rate.
- Blessed no longer has a double occurrence rate.
- Saintly no longer has a double occurrence rate.
- Awesome no longer has a double occurrence rate.
- Holy no longer has a double occurrence rate.
- Godly no longer has a double occurrence rate.
- Prefixes Weird, Ruthless, King's, Holy, Emerald, and Wyrm's can now be found on items in the dungeon from Diablo only.
- Suffixes of Slaughter, of Osmosis, of the Mammoth, and of Burning can now be found on items in the dungeon from Diablo only.
- Red now gives +1% - +8% resist Fire.
- Crimson now gives +9% - +16% resist Fire.
- Crimson now gives +17% - +24% resist Fire.
- Garnet now gives +25% - +32% resist Fire.
- Ruby now gives +33% - +40% resist Fire.
- Blue now gives +1% - +8% resist Lightning.
- Azure now gives +9% - +16% resist Lightning.
- Lapis now gives +17% - +24% resist Lightning.
- Cobalt now gives +25% - +32% resist Lightning.
- Sapphire now gives +33% - +40% resist Lightning.
- White now gives +1% - +8% resist Magic.
- Pearl now gives +9% - +16% resist Magic.
- Ivory now gives +17% - +24% resist Magic.
- Crystal now gives +25% - +32% resist Magic.
- Diamond now gives +33% - +40% resist Magic.
- Topaz now gives +1% - +6% resist all.
- Amber now gives +7% - +12% resist all.
- Jade now gives +13% - +18% resist all.
- Obsidian now gives +19% - +24% resist all.
- Emerald now gives +25% - +30% resist all.
- of Absorption now has -3 to -4 damage taken.
- of Deflection now has -5 to -6 damage taken.
- of Osmosis now has -7 to -10 damage taken.

Possible Changes:

General Changes:
- Maximum Resistances lowered to 60%.
- Gold pile maximum is now 10,000.

Spell Changes:
- Flame Wave deals 3x damage (NOT listed damage, ACTUAL damage; i.e. 3{Rnd[10] + clvl + 1}, and now costs 25 mana to cast initially, with -1 mana per spell level, and 15 mana minimum casting cost.
- Removed life loss from Blood Star casting cost.
Roland *The Gunslinger*

Messages In This Thread
Balance of Power - by Roland - 01-29-2004, 05:03 AM
Balance of Power - by Roland - 01-30-2004, 01:26 PM
Balance of Power - by Roland - 02-06-2004, 08:22 PM
Balance of Power - by Walkiry - 02-06-2004, 10:56 PM
Balance of Power - by Roland - 02-06-2004, 11:51 PM
Balance of Power - by Seta Sojiro - 03-05-2004, 09:57 PM

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