Friend's list and anti-friend's list
Here Here Archon! Back when I would do bulk Pgem/Chip buying in the channels, I'd get added onto everyone's friends list. Here's the solution to that and it works just fine. Simply reply to their spams and ask them to PLEASE take you off their /f list. Most of them cooperate just fine, others don't but oh, well.

As for the channels and the spam bots, that's Blizz's fault for not banning the cd-keys of the spam botter (it is a violation of the TOS after all, and if these guys make the kind of money people are talking about, Blizz is only ringing the cash register with each ban). I am so so so sick of this one:

"Don't buy useless Dupe Items, buy NONE dupe bug items." I'd like to buy the guy a spell checker for his NONE legit spambot. That's the only one I would like to squelch. I /w the poor guy all the time to correct him, but he never seems to want to listen. Guess I'm on his anti-friend's list.

Lately tho the Ith sellers are getting creative with their slogans. I chuckle when I see them since I have about zero interest in ever using one, but it's amusing all the same.

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Messages In This Thread
Friend's list and anti-friend's list - by Conner Macleod - 03-16-2003, 01:41 AM
Friend's list and anti-friend's list - by Wapptor - 03-16-2003, 01:38 PM
Friend's list and anti-friend's list - by Kevin - 03-17-2003, 05:57 PM

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