Yashiro,Mar 15 2003, 08:04 AM Wrote:- Massive Long War Bow of SwiftnessMassive//Swiftness is a greatly desired bow. At clvl 20, Griswold can sell you this bow at 3 of his 6 slots IIRC.
- Merciless Long War Bow of the Heavens
- Emerald Long War Bow of the Heavens
My shopper came across some nice bows, although I've discarded many including a Brutal//Swift LWB ( My worst mistake )
Unfortunately Merciless//Heavens LWB cannot be generated in Classic Diablo because it exceeds Wirt's price cap of 135 K.
Your best option would be a Savage LWB of Heavens, purchased from Griswold.
I've already done some calculations using Diablo's Price Guide in which I found out that Merciless//Heavens LBB and Ruthless//Heavens SWB are buyable from Wirt, still you'll get a higher average damage using a Savage//Heavens LWB.
Emerald//Heavens LWB cannot be purchased from Wirt by the same reason of above. Still, there are nine unique bosses who can drop"Emerald" enchantments. ( Check JG for all mlvl 27+ unique monsters )
Hope that helped...
Except in pure mathematics, nothing is known for certain (although much is certainly false).
Carl Sagan, "The Demon Haunted World"
Carl Sagan, "The Demon Haunted World"